Life of Kessie: Inevitable

Hi, everyone! I am finally back after a long and very busy work schedule. The bistro is driving me nuts! Every day for the past three months, I have been there working 12 hours, coming home and writing my cookbook, and helping Pierce with his restaurant. So this right here, is my much-needed break. I'm actually getting great at this painting thing. Hopefully, I can sell this to the art gallery for some extra cash.

While I was painting, Pierce decided to pay me a visit. It was cool to see Dechie, especially since it's been a few weeks. We didn't talk about the "date" much since we went on it - so he decided to talk to me about it now. 

We watched the stars, since everyone was on Comet Watch. I guess you can consider this a second "date". He finally decided to talk about it. He spoke about how fun it was, and how he was looking forward to going out again. I honestly didn't think anything of it, only two friends hanging out. 

Pierce Decheneaux dropped a serious bomb on me. Why, Dechie? WHYYYYY!? He confessed his feelings for me. Really? Now? He spilled it all - how he always liked me, even when we were rivals. How he started really liking me in college and didn't care too much for me being in a relationship with Connor. How he wanted to make me happy. I will admit, he really sounded sincere - but I couldn't. It's not that I don't like Pierce.....but it's PIERCE! Okay, so he is rather hot, can dance, and we have a lot of things in common. However....


What, Human?

CN: You will NOT do this to Pierce. Going one better, you will NOT do this to yourself. 

What are you talking about?

CN: Kessie? Seriously? He likes you. We all can see that he likes you. Oh, and you know full well that you like him too. So, how about we stop with this nonsense and just be with him already! He is not Connor. You two are great for each other, so how about you give the man a chance? 

What if I get hurt again?

CN: You won't. 

How do you know?

CN: YOU WON'T! Trust me, you will not be hurt again. He digs you and to be honest, the both of you have nothing to gain from this relationship but love. You and I both know that you want to kiss him, so go for it!  Do I have to sing "Kiss the Girl" from The Little Mermaid?


CN: Pierce?


CN: Go for it...NOW! 

What? Um....he kissed me! I am kissing Pierce Decheneaux! I must say, it feels great. We feel great. I know, I know - this was inevitable. From the beginning, everyone sensed the romantic tension between Pierce and I. Now, everyone (including us) will be happy. I am in shock and taking all of this in. Pierce and I? Dating? Sweet!  Now, I'm going to finish making out with this gorgeous man. Catch ya later :D 

Until Next Time, 

Kessie :)

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