Emma Faith: Generation 7 Chapter 1

In the last chapter we saw Genji escape a narrow brush with death.  Though he is still old and feeble. He's been determined to meet his grandchild.  I find his love of family to be so endearing.  This was the family he was supposed to have. He's happy and I'm happy for him.

Emma is happy too. She and her dad are closer than ever. Of course they both loved Penelope but her inability to fully love them kept them so suppressed.   Erika has helped to make their house into the home it was in previous generations.

The big day arrived and Emma went into labor. I'm so very pleased to present the future heir of the Montgomery family, Scarlet Alexa.

It wasn't long and Lauren was aging up. Years ago there had been a serious illness that broke out among the sims. It damaged a gene that controlled the aging of sims and an entire developmental life stage was skipped.  This went on for thousands of sim years until one day, science came out with a miracle patch.  It was simple. All you had to do was slap this patch on like a bandaid and voila! It reversed the damage to the toddler gene.  Meet the very first Montgomery toddler, EVER.

The joyous occasion was cut short when the birthday curse brought the Grim Reaper back to the lot for Genji.  Once again Erika offered the Grim reaper a death flower because he hadn't gotten to see Lauren since she aged to toddler. Plus, it broke her heart that sweet little Lauren was experiencing death at such a young age. It just didn't feel fair.

Grim accepted the flower and went to make himself a sandwich in my kitchen while Genji and his daughter bonded in the yard.  They played together for an hour or so and had the best time.  It was the absolute sweetest thing I've ever seen.

The Grim Reaper didn't even have time to leave the lot before Genji collapsed for a second time. I could see Erika standing there with Lauren and her heart was in turmoil.  She loved Genji with all her might and she never wanted to see him go but she also knew that this wasn't fair to him.  He got to meet his daughter and he got to spend a precious few hours of play with her.  Even if she spent all of her death flowers, it would only delay things and at this point, Genji was just tired.  If she loved him, she needed to let him go. So with tears in her eyes, she curled her fingers around the death flower and crushed it.  Genji smiled and breathed his last breath and so it was the end.

Six generations of Montgomery family now rest in the graveyard.  Though Genji was laid to rest beside of Penelope as a memorial of the generations, there is a spot to his left for his loving wife Erika when her time comes to say goodbye to the world.

It was now time for Emma and Weston to take charge of the house.  There were some decision to be made about Erika and Lauren. What was their place in the Legacy house with Genji gone?   Emma quickly reassured her that for as long as they wanted, they had a home with her.

Several days later it was Scarlet's turn to age until a toddler and I totally flipped out when I saw that she inherited her grandpa Lamar's dark skin.  See, Scarlet's middle name is Alexa and Alexa was Lamar's wife. Alexa and Lamar are her great-great grandparents. How cool is it that she has that connection with them? She has her mom's and grandfather's beautiful red locks though.

I cannot wait to see Scarlet and her aunt Lauren grow up together.  It's an unusual situation but family is everything and this one just happens to be filled with so much love and happiness that my Maker heart is nearly bursting at the seams!