Tifani Triumph: Love, Lily, Isabella, and Issac

Next stop in the other houses train will be Love (taking over the main house from Martha), Lily (taking over for Peter), Isabella with her 30 day plan that is sinking, and Issac with stuff and babies.

Love's House
Love is taking over with no man and having just lost her Daddy.  Only my Sims pass away wanting to call for a baby.

Love and Martha had two good days of going to the shop and spending time together with Webster.  And then Martha got the meet and greet with Grimmy herself...in he bathroom like any good Triumph.

Martha was the second child of Janabel's four. Proceeded in death by older brother Paul and youngest sister Mary.  The end of an era you could say as Janabel's influence only lives on in Jeremiah and to a small degree younger brother Peter.  Martha took her younger siblings with her when she escaped home the day she turned adult.  She raised Mary as her own, loved both Mary and Peter with all she had.  She fell for the boy across the hall and together they raised 3 amazing children as well.  She was passionate about her life, loving to all she knew, and leaves an amazing legacy for her children to live up to.  She will be missed.
Love is left with a house, a dog, a shop and a lot of loneliness.  Without her Mom as a guide Love is now tackling adulthood, and relationships, alone.  Her phone book is virtually worthless.  The few eligible men she does know don't appear willing to even become friends, much less more.  However, Webster to the rescue and literally brings Greg Anderson to the door.
There romance was a little harder to capture than usual.  A lot of do you like me?  I don't know do you like me?  Maybe, wait no too fast but bring me more.  Oh look, we are in the bathroom at the same time why not go for the first kiss.  They didn't seem to follow the usual rules.  They were wanting to make out with each other before they could even kiss.  They kissed before they were best friends.  Greg fell hard at first then backed off where as Love was hesitant and no hearts and then full speed ahead.  They didn't pink heart together, besties together, or even red heart together.  However, they both have the same lifetime want, graduate 3 kids from college (hear that Felicia?) so you know it's meant to be.  Once they figured out it was destiny the rest was all downhill.
Greg popped a surprise engaged over dinner (he wanted engagement she didn't care), they married in the den where it all began (he wanted marriage she didn't care) and then off to the master they went.  (He wants a baby, she doesn't care.)

No babies yet, and that's OK.  They did spend some time on their careers and then on their days off Love showed Greg the ropes down at the Pet Store.  I'm not sure if they want to be full time business owners or keep their jobs and do the shop on the side.  Another conundrum for another day.

Lily's House
Last we left Lily was feeling pretty serious about Taylor.  Are they ready for the next level, commitment and family.  Lily has to be but what about Taylor?

Lily and Taylor, well really Lily but hey he agreed, have chosen to jump in feet first.  Peter and Ivy won't live much longer and Lily wants to know she has someone beside her to navigate the days ahead.
That's right, if you are gonna jump you jump and don't look back.  If I gave them time to think about it neither wanted babies.  But they need an heir!   Though with the size of that tummy I'm not so sure this was a good idea...if ya know what I mean.

It wasn't long until go time.
And baby Ava was born.  To be doted on by Mom, Dad, Granma, and Granpa.  Oh the bottles!
Peter is the wild card in all of this.  He has maxed out every single thing that can be learned and studied.  And he is driving me nuts.  He's not able to meditate which is my preferred method of corralling elders so he's doing a LOT of yoga.
However, dinner time the last day of the week.  And it happened.  What is with these Grimmy visits happening just when I think we've escaped another week?  Peter's time was up.  He didn't live quite long enough to watch Ava grow to toddler.  The last remaining child of Janabel's.  Truly the end of an era.  He can pass content knowing that his legacy is secured, not that it means much but you know entertainment value!
That same evening, in the exact same spot, not even two hours later Ava grew up to toddler.  She'll miss her Granpa for certain but she's still got lots of love around her.

Isabella's House
Oh Isabella and her slowly slipping 30 day plan.  She moved Jason in for the friends potential.  She got engaged to him because well, things happen.  She married him while celebrating a promotion.

Isabella and Jason are both pretty career minded.  They have goals and they are going to do everything they can to realize them.  Hence, the 30 Day Plan that has slowly gone askew.  However, with less than two weeks left until Elder and one last promotion to get on her rise to the top I'm hoping that she'll see importance of a baby on her own, without some Almighty interference.

And she did.  Isabella maxed out her career to become perma platinum and now wants to own 5 top ranked businesses.  If she agrees to have a baby I'll agree to the business nonsense.  But I didn't even have to bring it up.  Her and Jason mutually decided that now is a good time.  Missing work won't hurt them financially and it gives Isabella a break to figure out what business she wants to enter.
 Isabella really struggled with this pregnancy.  She made it abundantly clear that she would NOT do it again.  Heaven forbid it's twins?  Adopt the heir and be done with it!  However, it was also a good time to really get serious about a business.  She decided that she was a bookstore kinda business owner.  So, Books and Brew was born.  A small coffee shop, books, magazines, an outdoor reading patio (you know for when it's not freeze your nose off cold) and a few comfy chairs and sofas strung about.  I can't wait for the little one to be big enough that she can actually open the doors to the public.
And we keep getting closer to that day!
Baby Camila was born!

Meanwhile Jason is still working his way up the career ladder and Isabella is closing in on elder.  When we return Camila will become a toddler, Camila an elder, and the business should be up and running.

Issac's House
There's a houseful of kidlets for Christy but not quite enough stuff for Issac.  He's hoping to change that this week.  Change however requires money so I'm thinking some serious promotions need to happen as well.

First and foremost, I don't remember the house feeling this chaotic when I left them.  I suppose it was but geez, I'm a little crazed and we are just getting started!  Andrew and Stephen are children with boundless energy and some needs to be stimulated in the fun area.  I guess I should get them a toy box of some such nonsense.  Andrea is set to age really quickly to a toddler.  Christy is wanting another munchkin and for now the answer is NO.  Issac on the other hand is just muddling through.  He needs friends for a promotion but the only thing he cares about is still.  Expensive stuff.  Stuff I'm not even sure how he came to know about like TVs and Stereos and sculptures.  Issac, to get stuff you need money.  Go to work!
Andrea grew up to toddler which meant cranking out the toddler skills (in like a day and a half because we are that good!) while also trying to make friends and get skills.  Having another little one in the house gave the boys something to do and gave Mom and Dad some free entertainment for all of them.  Win-Win am I right?

While Issac and Christy tried valiantly for some promotions so he can buy stuff, and I can remodel the house, Andrea grew up again to child and if I do say so myself she's a little cutie!
There were a few minor promotions to be had but it was enough to remodel the bathrooms (there are now 2), all three bedrooms, nursery and kitchen.  It may not be 'stuff' but it's a massive improvement.  Too bad I didn't remember to take the after pictures.  Next week!

Weeks end and we hit another high note as little Stephen grew up to teen.  He is a knowledge Sim and we'll have to wait and see his lifetime want.  I was a little sad however, when I realized that come end of his life he won't have baby pictures and toddler pictures.  Though I guess spouses have even less.
When we come back Alexander will grow up.  Not sure if I'm gonna allow any more kids yet or not.  Guess we'll see based on my mood when we come back.

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