Tifani Triumph: Other Houses 4

Our weekly tour through the Other Houses is brought to you by my slowly slipping sanity and the number 5.  As this may well be one of the last weeks there are only 5 Other Houses.  The twins are all starting to grow up and the rest of the Minions of Mischief are soon behind.  Let's jump in!

Martha's House
Looking forward to a quiet, easy week at Martha's.  Love, while still a toddler will soon be growing up and there are to be no more babies here.  There is the knowledge that soon Martha and Talin will age to elder and one step closer to date's with Grimmy, but for now contentment on life is what's important.  And setting Faith and Hope up for lives, and futures, of their own.  
Love continued to build her toddler skills this week with Mom and Dad.  She developed great relationships with each of her family members and grew up with all skills and with lots of love.  Martha and Talin each aged to elder during this same time frame and are still in love with each other as much today as the day they first got together.
What I believed was to be a blessedly uneventful week took a slight twist toward the creep/gross when Hope brought home her cousin Issac from work.  That, in and of itself, is not the creepy part.  It went gross when the option to flirt came up!
Please don't judge the photography, the outside pictures were taken with my cell phone and sent to The Maker via text message to share the revulsion.  However, She thought it was cute.  She thought it was a great idea to let them develop a relationship.  She even went so far as to research the legality of marrying your 3rd cousin.  Apparently in some states, not to name names but states such as where She lives, it's legal to marry your first cousin.  Blech!  I've not touched that situation at all.  They chatted, gossiped and she sent him on his way.  I just, dry heaves ya know.  What do you think?

Peter's House
Off to Peter's house across the breezeway we go.  Lily is a child and growing up is hard work.  Lily is a child that seems to never be happy.  Never.  Happy. Ever.  Even doing happy things didn't make much of a dent in the happiness meter when she stopped.  She lost happiness by the buckets even sleeping.  However, that is all that happened.  Literally.  Not. One. Interesting. Thing. Happened.  A few promotions, not that they matter with this family.  A few friends.  Some meltdowns by Lily over her sheer unhappiness.  That was it.  I don't know which is worse, nothing to break the monotony or going to Abigail's house of sheer baby-wanting chaos.  But, just so there's something to break up the words here's a picture of Lily being not temper-tantrum melty-downy this week.  Sleeping...
That's it.  That is all I have for you.  Peter wants a baby, Ivy doesn't so no baby.  Perhaps there will be noteworthy occurrences next week?

Mary's House
It wasn't long after I walked in the door that Mary went into labor.
 I felt like Zachariah was an infant for only a blink before he aged to toddler.  As a toddler he worked hard with his doting parents to learn all his skills, including nursery rhyme, well before his child birthday.  Jace did pop in to visit one day while Mary was at work and Shea let him see his Grandson briefly.  Shea also reminded him that he really needed to talk to Mary.  That Shea couldn't continue to go behind her back like this.
It was a mostly uneventful week for Mary and Shea and by the end of the week Zachariah grew to a child and it was time to say goodbye, for now, and head across the street to Abigail's House of Chaos.  Pray for me?
Does anyone else notice how blonde and light-skinned Zachariah is?  His mom's genetics must be recessive next to Shea's stronger ones? 

Abigail's House
 Hold on to your socks because this house will send even the strongest willed Sim to the Shrink.  Two adults and six children ranging in age from teenagers to infant.  Let's face it, I like to keep my finger on what my Sims are doing, to help them with promotions, relationships or even just basic needs.  In this house they should consider themselves lucky to eat occasionally and that there is more than one bathroom to use.  I try, bless their little wayward child-wanting hearts, I do try.
Not too long into the week and it was Birthday day.  Baby Andrew grew to a toddler (oh gravy the skills), Clarence and Abigail to Elder.  Do you know what that means?  It's like it was my birthday really.  No. More. Babies!  No more.  Repeat after me...no.more.babies!

For a moment there were two toddlers in the house to deal with, I mean love.  Yeah, love that's it.  It didn't last long before Bethany had her child birthday.
Yes, that is the last remaining toddler of the house looking on from his cage, I mean crib.  Crib.

Andrew worked with whomever was available to gain his toddler skills.  And to be fair in a household of this size there is most generally someone available to interact with.  He did well and was fully skilled before his childhood birthday came around.
Andrew grew up well, and this house is done with little one's...for now.  Clarence walks around with a desire to call for a baby but forget it.  This house is full to the brim.  Perhaps he will be lucky enough to live long enough to see his grandchildren.  You know that pressure on his kids, I mean want, that want is coming.

Samuel's House
 Samuel is the last of generation 5 to officially take over the household and he's still technically, for 2 more days, just a teen.  He's always been such a Momma's boy that he's not even scouted out a future partner but there's time.  Kinda.  I almost feel like he needs to fast track the adulting since his cousin is already expecting generation 7.

On his birthday to adulthood Samuel comes home from work just in time to age at the mailbox.  Meanwhile Brandon's cleaning the bathroom when Grimmy shows up very unexpectedly.  Needless to say Samuel will be navigating adulthood alone.
Happy Birthday Samuel, your Daddy has passed on.  And did you catch the head wear?  Me thinks he drank the Kool-Aide and I am pretty certain he voted for his cousin in the latest election.

Brandon Triumph was an interesting man.  He loved Delilah with all his soul.  Perhaps not his heart as he still had a bit of wanderlust, but he staid true.  Even in death. Their courtship spanned two homes as Delilah was still living with her brother when they met.  They moved in together soon after Delilah moved into her own place but neither were in a hurry for commitment, content to pursue their own lives for a while.  However when Delilah discovered her pregnancy with Samuel they decided to dive into marriage feet first and both instantly had regrets.  Perhaps, had they gone headfirst instead they could have ironed those out beforehand.  Regardless, the remained together, in love.  There were rough patches, to be certain.  But even those were worked through and their love for each other, and for their son, remained strong.  And like many of the greats before him Brandon had a major life experience...in the bathroom.
Losing his dad just as he began his path through adulthood through Samuel sideways into necessary adulty behaviors.  His existing friendship with Gwen Howe found a life of it's own and before long he began to feel as though she might be the one.  A whirlwind of flirting led to their first kiss.  Their first kiss led to her moving in.  Her moving in led to their engagement.  Their engagement led to their marriage.
Where will there marriage lead...

Tifani Triumph: Political Years Part 4/Education Years Part 1

Last we left Jeremiah and Felicia had taken the plunge and married.  Paul and Jill are more than ready to hand things off to the next generation though all Paul cares about is Grand-babies.  It's time to sit down with Felicia and find her direction for the future. And I think Jeremiah has been working on some ideas for his political platform...let's hope there's not a lot of Janabel influence carrying over there.  Let's jump in shall we?

First things first, a conversation with Felicia is in order.  That she understands the importance of her role for the community and the value she has for the future of this family.  And please for the love of hash browns let Jeremiah have prepared her for this.
Me: Felicia, have a moment to chat?
Felicia:  Almighty Ruler?  Really, you are going to talk to me?
Me:  Call me Fizzy.  So, I've never really had to include this into my conversations before but well, things have definitely changed.  You know that an heir is required correct?
Felicia:  Of course!  Jeremiah and I can't wait to start a family together!
Me:  Enthusiastic much?
Felicia:  I love him, and I want to have a family with him.  And face it, a family will help with his political career as well.  I'm not a total ditz-bag.  I do understand the importance of family and background to politics.
Me:  And a climber.  Wish I could say good talk but there's mor...
Felicia:  I know.  I have to chose a career.  Jeremiah prepared me for this!  I know there's a list.  But I also know the importance of choosing something that will benefit Jeremiah as well.  I know, I know future generations and all that stuff but honestly, Jeremiah has such plans that will benefit future generations and I need to do something that will benefit that plan.  List please?
Me:  Here ya go.  Good talk.

Have to tell you, never saw that coming.  She appears meek and mild.  Seriously, like Little House on the Prairie mild mannered.  Not Real Housewives crazy.  Can't wait to see what career she chooses, there's not a lot of choices left in this tier.  And of course, which one will best benefit Jeremiah?

Jeremiah: Fizzy, I need your help.
Me:  Really?  What's up?
Jeremiah:  With Jana gone it's hard to really develop my platform and the Mayorship is up for election this cycle.  It's the pinacle.  Everything I have worked for.  Can you look over my ideas?  Felicia loves everything and Mom and Dad don't get it.  They are too old fashioned.
Me:  Sure.  What do you have prepared?
Jeremiah:  I've got it all written out for you.  Just look it over, any advice is appreciated.
Me:  Jeremiah, got a moment?
Jeremiah:  Absolutely!  Did you get a chance to read it?  What did you think?
Me:  Well, it's a lot of good ideas.  It's obvious you thought them through and have a vision for the future.  But..
Jeremiah:  I did put a lot of thought into it.  Jana taught me so much.  She gave me so many ideas and thoughts and...You said but.
Me:  They are great ideas.  There is a lot of thought.  But it's also not relate-able to most of the population.  Janabel did give you a lot of opportunities.  Opportunities that most of the population does not have access too.  Your platform is not relate-able only in the sense that, the language you chose to use is not understandable to the average Sim.  And...
Jeremiah:  That's OK though.  This proposal is for the Party Committee, and I won't hand them this paper, I'll explain it.  And then I will make it relate-able to all the Sims on the campaign trail.  And best of all, Felicia has decided to go into education for her career.  She is going to work hard toward providing opportunities for all Sims to have the ability to go to school and further themselves beyond the basics.
Me:  That's great!  I know that the future is something that both of you are passionate about.  However, and I realize that your means of doing amazing campaign graphics is limited but seriously SAP?  You can do better than that.
Jeremiah:  I'm sure that party will have ideas and someone.  I'm not an artist, and neither is Felicia.  But they will.  But the ideas?  Are the ideas good?  Are they good for our future?
Me:  They are good.  They are worthy, important ideas.  They just need to be made relate-able.  Work on that ok?

All the major school systems are in ruins. Education has all but gone from the region. All that remains is a small gathering of teachers in a safe house to teach younger Sims the basics.
 While Jill has made her choice she has also decided to postpone starting until after the requisite heir is born.
Jeremiah hit the campaign trail with better graphics, better grasp of understanding of how to relate to the people, and having a pregnant wife at his side didn't hurt a bit.
After a great political leader emerges from the family and takes over the office of Mayor, political corruption is cleaned up. Building supplies from other parts of the country are shipped in and distributed to those who need it. The corrupt ‘housing permit’ laws are repealed. The prestige and notoriety gained by the family allows them to sway the actions others, who see everybody from the family as a leader. The Political restrictions are lifted.
There is so much to be grateful for this week in the main house.  Jeremiah wins the Election unlocking the Politics career for future generations, Felicia is expecting their first (and for the love of grits) only child, and has chosen a future in education.  Jill is content to continue working every day.  Paul can only mutter and think about grand-babies.  But he doesn't quite make it long enough to meet his first (and please mashed potatoes only) grandchild due to a date with Grimmy.

Paul was 5th Generation Post Apocalypse heir. Oldest child of Janabel and Randy he set his sights to be as little like his mother as possible.  He met and married Jill, the love of his life.  He also chose to pursue a dream of Architecture in order to provide better shelter for all citizens.  And with better shelter truly came better security.  He provided opportunities to upgrade and enlarge the original house.  He loved his family, he loved his community and he loved his chosen career.  He was a good, if not somewhat retiring, man who will be missed.
Grimmy is really starting to get on my nerves.  I feel like he is coming to visit somewhere to someone every week.  It's hard to say goodbye but it's important to continue moving forward.  The fate of all Simitizens depends on it. Until next time...and a check in with the other houses as well.

Tifani Triumph: Other Houses 3

I'm gonna do things just a wee bit different this week.  I'm gonna play in a bit of a different order, and I may have to split this into more than one post.  There are getting to be entirely too many offspring.  We may have to become Chinaesque soon, one and done my minions, one and done.  We'll see, no final decision  has been reached.  Yet.

Martha's House
Last we left the twins had aged to child, Mary had grown to adult and was ready to strike out on her own with Shea, the love of her life...for apparently most of her life.  That felt a bit creepy but they seem happy so whatever goes apparently.  I have another conundrum with the family though.  Twins.  The oldest born children are twins.  I have this whole inner turmoil about splitting the heir status with twins.  There is either a Cain and Abel situation where the younger twin hates the older twin for getting everything.  Or the opposite where the older twin resents the mantle of responsibility and hates the younger twin for being able to get out.  It's a lose/lose in my opinion.  So I refuse to go there.  Only that means another baby.  And I'm getting really tired of babies and houses full of babies.  
Total glutton for punishment, but can you imagine putting those adorable girls through having to split them up?  I didn't think so.  Those same two adorable girls grew up before the new baby came.
The next day baby Love arrived to bless the family, and be the heir of such an amazing apartment.  Love's infancy seemed so short before she grew up to toddler.
 Love seems to be developing a special bond with her sister Faith.  Faith was there to scoop her up when she aged to toddler and again to help her with learning to walk.  There's still so much to do before she grows up again giving the rest of the family more than enough time to bond with her as well.

Peter's House
 Lily was born shortly after returning to Peter's house.  He baby years went so smoothly and she was nothing if not loved by both her parents.  Soon enough Lily aged to toddler where both parents jumped in to ensure she maxed all her skills, as well as becoming besties with both of them as well in the process.
That bottom right picture?  You know you saw it first, toddler sitting in the middle of the street can't be missed.  Little nugget was exploring the courtyard when I thought it might be better she come inside before she got too cold and she wasn't controllable.  Turns out she was off the lot!  She sat there until dark before deciding that inside was a better option.  Scared me senseless that the social worker was gonna swoop in or something.  However all was well and she managed to grow up to child.  A pleasant week all told, no drama to speak of.  Thanks Peter's Family!

Mary's House 
 Mary is all grown up and on her own.  She's still in the complex, across the courtyard and upstairs from her siblings but truly doing the adult thing.  And hoping that Shea will join her.  
Obviously, he said yes to it all.  Yes to moving in.  Yes to engagement.  Yes to marriage.  Yes to baby.  Hopefully it's yes to happily ever after as well.

One afternoon Mary was napping on the sofa when there was a knock on the door.  At the door was Jace, a neighbor from across the courtyard.
Mary:  Hey, Jace, what's going on?
Jace:  I head your mother had passed away and I wanted to come offer my condolences.
Mary:  Um, ok.  We really weren't that close.  I didn't know you even knew her.
Jace:  I actually knew her well.  Do you mind if I come in?
Mary:  Oh sure, um sorry.  Come on in.  Tell me about my mom.
Jace:  Well, it's you I'd rather talk about more.
Mary:  Me?
Jace:  I knew your mom well, many years ago.  I knew her very well.  Look, Mary there is no easy way to say this but I think the time has come that I am free to tell you.  I'm your father.
Mary:  What?  No.  
Jace:  I know it's not easy to hear.  I wasn't free to speak before now.  And Randy was such an amazing man.  And I know he loved and cared for you.  And I respected him for that more than even he knew.  I respected his wishes to step out.  I didn't know your mom was married when we met.  I didn't know she had three other children.  There was so much I didn't know.  
Mary:  Stop.  Just.  
Jace:  Take your time, it's a lot to take in.
Mary:  I mean, it was always obvious that Randy wasn't my biological father.  I guess I always believed that he adopted me and that if I was lucky Janabel wasn't my biological mother.  I prayed that anyway.  She wasn't easy to say the least.  Daddy was amazing, you have no idea what a great man he was.  But why?
Jace:  When you moved in with your brother and sister I knew it was you.  I knew you were my daughter. I respected Randy enough to say nothing while he lived.  I never wanted to shadow him.  And when Janabel passed away I just decided that enough was enough.  I watched your relationship with Shea, and if it matters I do approve as he is a good man.  And I knew that the baby you are carrying is my grandchild.  The only grandchild I'll ever have.  You are the only child I'll ever have.  I decided it was time to tell the truth.  I'm done with the lies.  I'm done hiding.  I'm not sure coming here was my smartest move ever but I knew that I had to.
Mary:  I think I'm glad you came.  I also hope that you can understand and respect that I need time.  Time to decide how I feel about this.  Time to decide what role all of this will play in my family.  I think, however, that I am glad you came.  However, finding out Janabel was my real mother is the hardest part to take.  Look, Jace.  Thank you for coming but I need some time.  I don't wish to be rude but..
Jace:  No worries.  I'll always be around.  I'll go now and I won't be back until it's your decision that I do.  No pressure.

 Abigail's House
This family may well be the end of my run at sanity.  They just want babies.  Lots and lots of babies.  As soon as one arrives they both immediately want a baby.  Don't they understand that babies are work.  Don't they understand that full houses are stressful.  Don't they understand!  They don't.  They want babies.  And with lots of babies comes lots of life events, sometimes on the same day.

Isabella and Issac grew up, unhappily I might add, to teens.  Eden became a child and baby Bethany was born.  All in one day.  And guess what..yup Abigail and Clarence despise me.
 For the love to tomatoes, why do they insist on wanting more children?  Even worse, why do I let them.  They have all of one friend which is preventing Clarence from getting promotions at work but who has time to make friends with all these nuggets running around.  With this baby the house will be full, Abigail and Clarence will soon be elder, they will have to be done!  I have spoken!

Before the new baby arrives baby Bethany aged to toddler and worked like crazy with everyone in the house to get her skills in.  There are pictures I know I took but they aren't on the camera.  Perhaps, though, they are mislabeled you know with all these kids.  The next day John became a teen and the next day baby Andrew was born, in the bathroom. 

Yes, even John is miserable!  But guess what...yup.  We are gonna have to have a chat.  Next time, I'm to exhausted to care right now.  Right now, I'm gonna run as far away as I can from this family.  Next door to Delilah's perhaps.  Perceived cheater drama is better than this!

Delilah's House

A quick, uneventful jaunt to Delilah's house was the perfect way to end this round of Other Houses.  With two elders and a teen there wouldn't be any babies which meant that the drama should be fairly limited.  As the week progressed I actually took some random pictures since there was absolutely nothing of note occurring.  But then something of note did occur.  Before we get there though here are a few random pictures for your viewing pleasure.

 This was the only drama this week.  Samuel feels the need to kick the trashcan over at least once a day.  He's not angry, he's not sad, he's not lonely. I mean his aspiration meter could really use some attention (if he would just want things I can make happen that would be rock star by the way) but no idea why he's doing this.  And how to get him to stop!  However that is not the big event of the week.  It's an event I knew was coming.  That honestly, I figured would happen this week but then it didn't.  And didn't.  And then in the middle of cooking dinner at the end of the week...it happened.

Delilah Triumph, a spare to a spare.  The last remaining Triumph child for generation 4.  A child that wasn't planned, wasn't needed but still managed to make an impact on society, community, and family.  The third child of Isiah and Kaylynn, she moved out with her brother Samson and grew up there as a teen. She helped raise her niece Abigail before meeting Brandon and deciding it was time to go out on her own.  She played the field for a while, seeing other people before her and Brandon chose to settle down and start a family.  Getting married didn't make either of them happy but their son Samuel did.  Once married Delilah settled into family life.  She still, occasionally, longed for her old carefree days.  She found contentment in her plants and after leaving her job settled in as a homemaker.  Losing Delilah will be hard for her son as he is still just a teen and harder on Brandon who came to depend on her for everything.  At this point the reins of the house will be turned over to Samuel.  Though just a teen he is soon to adulthood and ready for the responsibility with some assistance from his dad.
Until next time...I'll see ya back at the main house.

Tifani Triumph: Intelligence Years Part 5/Political Years Part 3

Back at the main house Jeremiah is still mourning his Jana and daily visits her grave to update her on his pursuits, namely politics and Felicia, and attempt to gain her counsel and advice.  Personally, not sure that her counsel was always for the best but she did always want the best for her boy.
Jill is still fuming that Janabel intentionally passed away when she did as a last ditch effort to one last time ruin someone else for her own gain.  Not sure what she thinks Janabel gained but there is no reasoning with a hackered off Jill.  She needs six friends to get the promotion.  She does have enough people in her phone book.  She's got to formulate a plan.
 So truth is I chose the picture more to show you how that nose is choosing to hold in there to the 5th generation already.  For the love of profiles everywhere, when will it breed out!  Never mind the nose, for now, Jill needs a plan and she has the next few days off to get the needed friends.  She's pushing him to do his part too as he has a few people in his book that he's not friends with...yet.

Jill spent the next two days flagging down every walker that went by her mailbox.  Out for a jog?  Jill will hold you up until you become friends or run for your life because heaven forbid she won't let you into the house to potty if you aren't friends yet!  (Kinda an Apocalypse rule anyway but well, ya know...) 

While Jill is going crazy on the friend wagon Jeremiah is finding creative ways to spend time with Felicia.  He'll age to adult soon and wants to ensure that their relationship is ready for the next step as soon as possible.  They go on an amazing date, sorta.  There was a glitch that prevented her wants from showing so he was constantly 'what do you want?' do action, 'what do you want?', do action over and over and you get the idea.  They ended up with a dream date but I have NEVER worked so hard for a good date than I did that night!  And like a bad Ruler I didn't remember to grab a screenshot.  Needless to say though, in a few days when these two grow up engagement and marriage are set in stone.

Having worked the streets every waking moment Jill is off to work again after her days off with exactly enough friends to get a promotion.  She's happy.  She's skilled.  And if nothing goes sideways she has enough friends.  Wish her luck!
Go Jill!  I have to be honest, I never really ever in a million years saw this coming.  Let's face it, Jill is not the cream on the top in the intelligence game.  Apparently the ability to have coherent conversations does not preclude you from sideways luck and  a lot of time working the streets.

Out of the shadows shines a light. While they work in secretive and mysterious ways, the recently re-instated SCIA brings trust back into everyday living. With thoroughly checked out agents filling the ranks, operatives are sent out to clearly distinguish friend from foe. Information travels quickly and soon everyone knows who is trustworthy and who is not. As the paranoia fades, a sense of community blossoms. Sims ask questions of their neighbors to learn about them. Gifts are no longer looked upon with suspicion. The Intelligence Restrictions are lifted.
The hostility toward the departed Janabel settles in the house and Jill finally lays off the walk bys.  Seriously, the neighborhood was starting to get a reputation and people were going out of their way to avoid walking by the house while Jill was home.  Within a few days Jeremiah's birthday came and he happily aged to adult, ready to take on the world and convince Felicia to become his wife.

That same night Jeremiah invited Felicia over for dinner with the family.  It was truth time, did Felicia have the grace and strength to be a political wife? Over dinner Jeremiah orchestrated a surprise proposal and she said Yes!  Even after he pushed the ring box through Jill's plate she grabbed that ring like it was oxygen and tossed the box over her shoulder.
They spent the evening planning their future and then Felicia went home for the night. The next day Jeremiah had her back over and they sealed their future with rings and vows and pledges of eternal whateverness. 
Jeremiah has some big decisions to make for his public service future.  Felicia has some even bigger decisions on how she is going to best benefit this family, and community, as well.  Though she doesn't know it yet.  Paul just wants a grand baby, which perhaps will stop him from walking around with the call and get a child thought bubble all.the.time.  Jill is just obliviously happy to have maxed out her career.  And thus ends another week for this family.  Until next time...

Jordan Talia Montgomery: Generation 3 Chapter 4

This installment in the lives of the Montgomery family is going to be a bit out of the ordinary. It is going to have a different tone than previous chapters.  I, the Maker, am admitting this now.   See, you may have noticed my absence. The silence has been deafening in the last little while.  Why? See, for the first time in my capacity as the Maker—my heart is broken.

No, no one has died—yet.  Jordan is an elder. It's coming and I know it.  My heart breaks because I've bonded to Ricky and Jordan in a way that I never quite expected. I care for them. I know admitting this means I'm a little crazy and might need some help but I can't help it. I care for them.

In saying that, I'll do my best to start sharing what's going on as well as explain the very obvious lack of documenting of images/life info for my now teenage heir, Taylor Alexa. 

First off, Oscar Quinn decided to set out on his own and move to San Myshuno.  He just wasn't going anywhere while living at home. He wasn't working, just dabbling with his paintings, no love interest and most of all, he hoped that moving out would give Jordan a little kick in the pants. See, Jordan was so focused on becoming a doctor that she and Taylor haven't been talking...at all. I mean, did you noticed that serious scowl on Taylor's face in the picture above? 

Alexa has been absolutely miserable.  As much as I love Jordan, after she raised her brother and then took a job in a field that she loved—life seriously became all about herself. Well, and Ricky, always Ricky. Jordan was so self absorbed that she would frequently forego spending time with her own children to study or woohoo with Ricky. 

After a long conversation with her mom about how badly it hurt her that she never spent time with her, Jordan and Alexa quickly set about to repairing their mother/daughter relationship.

Finally seeing her dream come true and being made Chief of Staff, Jordan was finally content to take a step back and spend the last of her days seeing a new home built for the future generations. She wanted a home worth double that the old homestead.

 I, the Maker, though I was attached to the old Montgomery homestead must be going soft. I think perhaps that the Almighty has been a bad influence because I let her do this even though it wiped out most of the money that she and Elena had put aside for the future.  I'm not convinced the new generations can make the payments but with the 50,000 left after selling off rare plants that grandpa Edwin had gathered, at least I have a couple weeks for Alexa to get her career really going. 

The need for Alexa to progress in her career happened entirely too soon for my liking. I knew it was coming and yet I was so shocked and sad that I instructed Ricky to plead for his lover when death laid claim to her life. 

Alas, the grim doesn't care that Ricky can barely stand the thought of living without Jordan. In fact,
Ricky has been so beside himself that he's lost his grip on reality.  So much so that he is spending his last days with his ghostly love—in the sauna. 

Alexa knew that things were dire and she wanted to find and marry the man of her dreams before her dad took his place alongside Jordan in the afterlife.

So, much like grandma Elena, she headed out to the Narwhal nightclub where she met a hottie wearing hotpants, Lamar Choate.

Even more like grandma, their evening at the nightclub ended in the closet. Goodness, let's hope there isn't a repeat "oops" baby in this new generation!

With the evening coming to a close, Alexa threw out the crazy idea of eloping. She promised many more exciting evenings in the closet if Lamar was willing to marry that very evening.  Lamar was crazy enough to say yes. So,  in front of the very disinterested and grief-stricken Ricky; Alexa and Lamar said their vows.

The joyous evening was overshadowed by grief. Instead of healing the hurt in her father's life, Ricky succumbed to a quick bout of illness that resulted in his unfortunate and heartbreaking death. He didn't even get a chance to become a grandparent. Alexa was absolutely heartbroken.

Grief cannot keep this girl down though. She is a Montgomery and she is tough.  She doesn't have but a few weeks at most to find herself at the top of her career because at that point the savings will be depleted and that would be a detrimental blow to her Maker.  No, she must go on!

I am sad.  I hate saying goodbye to my favorite generation of Montgomery sims to date and so it is on this note that I invite you to take a look back at the phenomenal love of Jordan and Ricky Montgomery. 

Stay tuned to get all of the details about life with the new generation of the Montgomery family!