Tifani Triumph: Other Houses

Next door to the main house Samson has official handed over the reins to Abigail. She's happily married to Clarence and are excitedly expecting a baby.  The pregnancy itself was uneventful however the birth was anything but.
Why yes twins!  Meet Isabella and Issac Triumph, the first twins of the Apocalypse.  Isabella is the first born on the left bottom side with her Daddy the night she was born and Issac on the bottom right with Gramps Samson (with the Doo Rag nose!) after perhaps his 10th million bottle.
However, it was shortly after this moment that things went sideways, and not just for the family.  Apparently the home I lovingly chose for them was pre-seasons when meant it was not insulated to protect against an apocalyptic winter.  And the babies are freezing with warnings that they would be taken.  Abigail and Clarence are turning blue while laying in bed.  I try to fix the house unsuccessfully so decide it's time to just get a different house.  I mean who doesn't love to move twice in one week!  Right?  So I went to bulldoze the house, clicked through the little popup (without reading it) and went on my merry way.  Placed the new house, moved the other houses around it so that it would all fit in a nice little neighborhood line, and went to retrieve my family from the bin.  They weren't there.  Panic.  Total and complete panic.  The babies, just gone, not even a chance to screw up their lives on their own you know.  Goggle searches don't help.  Let's try to reload the game, maybe just a hangup or something you know?  Nope, not there.  Perhaps should have read that popup box, so 'pretend' to bulldoze another house just so I can see the popup and try to figure out what happened.  Basically, I didn't delete the family or even bulldoze the house like I thought I did.  Nope, if I had paid any attention at all (please read above there I didn't even read the popup for the sake of tomatoes) I would have realized I had too many houses in the neighborhood.  I just moved it out of the way with the family still safely, if not frozenly, still inside.  Move family, bulldoze house, relocate family to new again lovingly chosen home.  Crisis averted.  Kids can now grow up to be ... something.  It's not really like they matter all that much, they can't unlock careers but still.  They deserve a chance to screw things up for themselves like any other sim.  And bells, they are historical remember.
Crisis averted and back to the grind.  Abigail and Clarence both immediately popped the want to have a baby and Kristy wants another grand so bad she can taste it.  You'd think they'd all be exhausted going up and down the stairs all day to get those poor babies bottles they don't want but nope, baby fever for everyone but Samson.
And yes, she was pregnant with babies still in the cradle.  Crazy woman (or crazy me for allowing it?) During her pregnancy the twins aged up to toddler and they were stinkers about it!  The one thing I don't 'love' about Sims 2 is that infants can drag out that first birthday like taking a horse drawn carriage to the west coast.  Without the ability to purchase and use the birthday cakes it's like pulling teeth to get them to age.  Issac aged first and his older sister joined him the next morning (seriously!).  Poor Abigail was so busy eating everything that resembled food and was so exhausted all the time.  It took her magical mommy touch to get each baby to age.  Samson held Isabella for hours with nothing.  With exhaustion in full swing for everyone in the house Abigail went into labor in the bathroom (of course).  And immediately spun the want for yet another baby!

Samson was blessed to have time with his 3 much wanted and overly loved grandchildren before his date with Grim came, very unexpectedly I might add.  Of course, being the Platinum Sim he was he went out in style with Hula Dancers and all.  Samson was a very good man, perhaps a great man.  The first sim since the apocalypse that was able to leave a family home and strike out on his own he took responsibility for his sister Delilah as well in order to attempt to shield her from what Janabel was becoming.  A 'spare' child he went on to do amazing things.  He love his wife to the very end and unlike his siblings was always faithful.  He was an amazing dad to Abigail and even became besties with Clarence before Clarence even realized he could love Abigail.  He was a pioneer and for that he will always be remembered.
Part of me feels like I should just stop here.  Forget the rest.  But alas, even in death life moves on...even for Kristy.
Yup, he had literally just died in this very room, the urn sitting by the way and she spins the want to fall in love...I should have known that the prim, respectable Kristy went out the window when she aged to elder and had her little elder life crisis.  Personally, I think she just doesn't know how to be alone.

After all that it was nice to pop into Delilah's house where not a lot of stuff was going on.  Samuel is a difficult to keep happy child.  He fun needs are so droopy that it's like a bowling ball dropped from the Sear's Tower (I know it changed names but I have no idea what the new name is, it was Sear's when I was there...I make the rules here people!  Focus!).  He has a toy box that he spends literally hours each day at just to keep out of the red.

If I had been able to zoom in any closer you would definitely see the generational nose is ready to sprout as well!  When we return to this family it will be his birthday and I can't wait to see what kind of teen Samuel is going to become, hopefully a happier one!  Delilah and Brandon are still in love, which makes me happy.  She is spinning so many wants to woohoo with 5 different sims that I worry she's fall back and cheat in her elder years.  She's a stay at home mom to her boy so has lots of hours in the day to try to fill.  She's maxed all her skills, knows everything the bookcase and teach her and with Samuel growing up soon I worry she'll run out of distractions and fall prey to her old behaviors.

Last stop on this house tour is Martha with her siblings and new husband Talin.  it wasn't long before Martha discovered she was pregnant and everyone was excited.  Her pregnancy was a complete breeze without even morning sickness.  One evening, without even knocking!, Janabel breezes through the door.  I'm still trying to figure out how she got through the gate, perhaps road her broom through it?

Martha:  Mother, what are you doing here?
Janabel:  Came to see the boy next door you decided to run away with.
Martha:  Mother!  Please.  I didn't run away and I will introduce you to Talin if you would like.
Janabel:  I see him over there.  I can introduce myself if I so chose thank you.  I see you let yourself get pregnant.  Did She mess with you too?
Martha:  If by She you mean Fizzy then no.  She's not like that at all.  We chose to start a family.  You know, family.  Mom, Dad, kids, love, attention.  The important things.
Janabel:  Yes yes another little Cretin to run around.  Have you met Jeremiah yet?  Your brother's heir?
Martha:  Not yet.  It's been a bit busy with trying to ensure that Peter and Mary get the best start to life you know.  And meeting Talin.  I figured I'd get the family together after the baby gets here.
Janabel:  Whatever suits you dear.
Martha:  What do you want Mother?
Janabel:  Nothing dear, just checking to make sure you are happy.  Can't a mother check on her children?  Oh, I must run now.  See you soon?
Martha:  Goodbye Mother.

Well that was awkward.  Mary was off to work and Peter was busying trying to to get Ivy to fall for him.  Ivy was his first kiss, his first love, and while she turned his offer to go steady down he knows that someday she'll agree to marry him.  Peter grew up to adult and deepened his relationship with Ivy but has chosen to way to propose until he has moved into his own place.

Meet Faith and Hope, the second set of twins born post-Apocalypse!  Faith is the oldest and is shown on the left hand side while Hope was born second and is shown on the right hand side.  Mom and Dad as well as Aunt and Uncle doted on them and ensured no less than 1000 bottles were fed during their infant years.  The twins grew up and the chaos that is toddler twins is in full swing!  Peter does his part but he really is ready to start his own future, his own family and chooses to move into the apartment across the hall.  Talin's old place.
 She Said YES~
Until next time...

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