Penelope Skye: Generation 6 Chapter 1

Penelope is now the Montgomery family matriarch and she is the first to be a prissy little snot. I was kind of surprised to see this side of her. I think with her mom and dad gone and losing the connection that she had with her brother is resulting in some very un-Montgomery like behavior.

What did she do you ask? She fired the long time maid and hired a butler to do everything for her. Even feed and care for her kid. Seriously, she needs to get her act together and actually parent her sweet little boy because he just celebrated his birthday into childhood.

Gabriel Daniel has his daddy's hair and is an active whiz kid. He's really cute but we all know that in this house the cutest of kids can turn out a little awkward as teens and adults. Okay, a lot awkward.

 It's a good thing that I have the butler, as much as I'm hating the whole snootiness of it but Penny's just so caught up with doing her own thing right now that the family needs to be cared for. Honestly, I have no idea why she decided to have another baby. Oh wait, I do. Because her Maker made her and what the Maker wants, the Maker gets.

Penny spent most of this pregnancy outside with her beloved cowplants. Feeding them, petting them and talking to them.  She's too darn obsessed with these things! At least she realized her dream of being a freelance botanist. Maybe now she'll dial it down a notch.

Once again, gardening put her into labor and I was crossing fingers and toes for a baby girl because her lifebar is blinking and telling me it is time for her to turn to elder.

The moment of truth...BOY! NO! Oh heck no. Another boy. Really? Why does this game hate me lately?  I need a baby girl. I've no idea what I'm going to do. Could I really fail this challenge after coming this far?

Well, there's nothing else I can do. I unlocked the fertile trait and sent her straight to the bedroom to try for another baby before she aged up to elder.    I had them do their thing and sent her to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test (pregnant by the way) and I happened to notice that something glitchy happened with her life bar and she's all the way back on day one of her adult life. 

What?! I unlocked the freakin' fertile trait for NOTHING? She could be pregnant with triplets right now! Oh my good gravy, this game hates me. I am failing in my plans for sim world domination. They just keep getting the better of me as of late. I think I need to find a sim to kill.

Oh, look...all better. All is right in the Maker's world again. Penelope soiled herself when she realized what little Petey and Sweetie were capable of.  Mwuahaha. See? what the Maker wants, the Maker gets.

 Oh, I forgot to even mention the last baby's name, didn't I? Jonah Andrew. Not that it matters because I need a girl and I'm feeling so evil lately that I didn't even have her hug him before I sent her off to try for another baby.  Did I even mention that she also popped out another boy named Edgar Anthony? Nope, cause the boys just don't matter to me right now. I've a reputation to protect so being evil to random sims was far more important than stomping my feet in frustration over another blasted boy being born.

So, yes...she is pregnant with her fourth kid. It's probably triplets. I swear, I will kill her if it's another boy and then it'll be the end of this Legacy.

I will regain my supreme Maker status by taking control and getting these sims back in line.  Don't believe me? Well, I guess you'll just have to read the next chapter to find out, huh?

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