Tifani Triumph: The Medical Years Part 1

Once a brave general from the family leads the local National Guard in a strike force against the zombie hordes, the streets will become safe to travel again and the Military restriction is lifted.
 Now that Tifani has secured her pinnacle of the military career it's time for her, and the community, to look to the future.  She actually succeeded in helping to restore peace and a sense of community.  Now, however, Tifani needs to look to her own future and the future of the Triumph Family.  And due to an oversight on my part that future can only be with...

Doo Rag.  Seems as though that scum Matthew is already married, but more on that later.  With not a second to waste Tifani and Joshua made up for all their time apart.  After the fact Tifani asked him to move in where he aged up respectably with a college degree in hand and a fair amount of skill.  Doo Rag is a wealth sim who rolled a secondary of family.   Not wanting to waste any time and risk him backing out Tifani immediately proposed an engagement.
 *Yup, nothing quite like growing up in the bathroom.  In your underwear at that.*

*Or getting engaged in the bathroom either.  Location, location, location people!  Well and clothes might help too.*

That same night I sat Doo Rag down and we had a chat.  I had to explain the difference between his college home and here.  This history of what was going on and the vital role he was to play in moving forward.  How he wasn't up to speed with daily calls with Tifani I have no idea.  Though my gut tells me they weren't talking about life.  And I've also decided that colleges should require students to actually follow the real news, not just SMZ.

Me:  So basically, in order to move society forward you have two career choices.  You can choose to have a career in the medical field or you can choose to pursue a career in the culinary field.  I've given you same basic information on both but you must make that choice.  And please bear in mind that whatever career you don't chose will fall to your child.
Doo Rag:  But I want to be a sports star!
Me:  Seriously?  You have limited access to food.  You have zero access to medication.  Limited water resources due to contamination.  You are living on hot dogs on the grill.  You seriously think being a sports star is even an option?
Doo Rag:  It's what I spent my entire life planning for, practicing for, working for.  Second guessing this whole 'happily ever after with Tifani' thing.
Me:  *mom look*

Shortly after our conversation, with a lot of grumbling and a few things said under his breath about me, Doo Rag made his choice and went right down the the triage center in order to apply for a job in the medical career.  After much poking and prodding as well as physical and mental evaluations Joshua was hired as an EMT.  His reaction at starting at the bottom wasn't too hot either.  I mean he's a sports star in the making with a college degree after all!

“It’s the dark ages once again.”
The plumbing has been severely damaged in the region. Water brought to the house is dirty and unsanitary. To make things worse, local drug stores have been cleaned out by looters.

Meanwhile Tifani has had a few changes of her own.  And made a few decisions.

That is totally the start of a baby bump for her and Doo Rag.  She decided to go ahead and get married there at home before the baby comes.  Tif and Josh are officially married now.

Back to Matthew, the cheating scoundrel.  Turns out he is a bin sim (I don't pay too much attention to these things, and happens to already be married.  Bin sims don't have phones so I couldn't even invite the jerk over to chew him out.  But oh did he show up.  Came home from work with Tifani again.  Kinda forgot he was there and oh gravy the jealousy hit the fan!  Yup he now hates Tifani and Joshua.  Though it's kinda his own fault..right?

Check back to see the new baby born into such a dire world.  Can Doo Rag overcome himself in order to be a good husband, father, and contributor to the future.  Home updates coming as well! 

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