Tifani Triumph: The Medical Years Part 2

Last we left, Tifani and Joshua had recently gotten married with a little one on the way.  Her time with Crew Cut came to a dramatic end when he was discovered to be a cheatin' scoundrel of a bin sim who happened to already be married while carrying on with Tifani.  And he thinks he has a right to hate this Happily Ever After (please I hope so!) couple!  Some nerve.

Joshua, that is so hard to say by the way, chose to follow a career path in the medical field despite his overwhelming, and quite whiny, desire to be a sports star.  Poor guy though is really struggling.  I have to give him props for sticking it out though.  He left his cushy no Apocalyptic college town to find himself a family man with an unwanted career in a matter of hours.

With the strict limitations in place I really worried if Tifani would even survive her pregnancy but morning sickness was minimal and she didn't go over the top eating the fridge like some sims do and after three respectable days the time came for baby to make an appearance...

Home birth is apparently not all it's cracked up to be.  No medication options to help her through.  Oh and her dear loving medical skilled husband...more worried about getting some food for his tummy than caring for his wife.  Serious loss of brownie points in my book!

 Meet sweet baby Adam.  The first child of the Apocaplyse.  He seems to have a tender nature to him, not overly demanding.  However mom and dad both dote on him just a bit too much.  Good gravy people the baby doesn't need a bottle every 30 minutes and I promise he is perfectly fine ASLEEP in the crib so stop waking the poor nugget up just to hold him already.

 Shortly after Adam makes he debut into the world Tifani thinks it might be best to try and use some of her vacation days at work since Doo Rag (much better) can't really take off right now.  She forgot however that vacation days aren't actually allowed.  They give them to you but heaven forbid you need one you get the pink slip instead.  Somehow her getting fired seemed best for the family as there are no babysitters to be found and she had already maxed out her career.  I wish she'd waiting just a few days so she could have retired instead and drawn a nice pension.

Doo Rag on the other hand is truly struggling with his career.  With the stress of the new baby and still trying to acclimate to his new world and life roles he can't seem to keep his needs up high enough to function.  His daily work bar sags lower and lower each day until one day he comes home fired.

Yes that is a bonafide stink trail off the poor man.
Doo Rag:  Hey You.
Me:  You know I have a name?
Doo Rag:  Really?  What?
Me:  Almighty Ruler of Everything
Doo Rag:  Say what?!
Me:  Never mind.  Just call me Fizzy.  What do you need dear?
Doo Rag:   I lost my job today.
Me:  I know.
Doo Rag:  I don't know what to do.  I'm so miserable and failing at this responsible adult thing.
Me:  Remember when you were demoted and the conversation we had then?
Doo Rag:  Sorta.
Me:  Adulting is hard.  Being happy is hard, even when you have all the resources at your fingertips.  If you choose to give up what will you tell Adam?  Or will Tifani tell Adam?  Or society tell Adam?  I would love to give you everything your heart desires but I can't.  Take a moment, take a sink bath for goodness sake, shake it off and go back out there.  You can do this.
Doo Rag: If you say so.  Sink bath eh?

Meanwhile Baby Adam's birthday has come around, as has Tifani's.

 While maturity is happening on two fronts of this floundering household, Doo Rag pulled himself together to head back out to the Triage Center and try to get his job back.  I've got to hand a few kudos his way and maybe try to use his actual name again sometime, he's really trying to stick it out.  He got his job back, on the bottom again, and is trying valiantly to give it another go.  He's not really making the promotion progress, at all, and I'm worried that he won't manage to unlock his career goal during his lifetime.  But I get it, apocalyptic life is hard.  And without modern conveniences, like a shower, it's even harder. 

Before we close this chapter of Tifani's life I am putting together a small post of bonus content for ya.  Tifani got some sweet chance card bonuses that I've been saving for a sweet remodel of their humble 8x8 home.  So until next time...watch for the zombies~

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