Tifani Triumph: The Culinary Years Part 3/The Law Enforcement Years Part 1

Last we met there was a lot going on.  Isiah became a teenager just moments before his Doo passed away due to old age.  It was hard to see him go, pain at times though he was, I did grow a bit fond of him.  Just a tiny look back before we begin our journey forward.

I do believe that man had more bathroom life events then any other sim I've spent time with!

Adam needed a hobby, something to do with the 6 days a week he didn't go to work.  Something to keep him from annoying the heck out of me hanging out at the refrigerator begging for entry.  Sorry dude, once a day.  You can cook once a day.  Tell Sophie to get moving on up that career ladder for ya.  Tell her you are sick of daily fires and hotdogs but leave me alone already about the fridge!  I threw out a few ideas to him but he had his own.  He chose to pick up where his mother had left off and adopt a few pets.  And off he went to try to 'make friends' with the stray population.  Took a few tries but finally pegged down how to actually get a pet to like you enough to be adopted in one visit.  And Sake the cat joins the family.

Adam and family have a discussion that with the impending unlocking of all Tier 1 careers that it was a good time to have Sake apply for a career as a Service Pet.  The family then pressured Isiah, now a teen, to make his career choice as well.  One trip out and all.  After some discussion, debate, possibly some tears of frustration Isiah decided to persue a career in Law Enforcement.  The family made a trip down to the fledgling Central Dispatch station for Isiah to apply for a position and then to the wellness center to get Sake a job as well.
The combined stress of living in fallout and the lingering radiation in the air has had a terrible effect on the minds of the elderly. Older minds decay faster and senility sets in early and badly. Surviving to elderhood in this new world is both a blessing and a curse.
“Go ahead and call for help, nobody will listen.”
The local police and fire departments are in shambles and unable to do their job. A strong air of anarchy and lawlessness has swept the region. Violent gangs of anarchists prey on the old and weak.
Before I get too far ahead of myself Sophie has continued her trek up the culinary career ladder.  No real help, up or down, from chance cards.  Which is typically a blessing in disguise since outside of Adam's magic choice the other day, chance cards tend to curse this family.  With a lot of effort on her part she was actually able to become a Celebrity Chef all on her own merit!
Once a Culinary master emerges from the household, new ways are invented to preserve food. Sims learn better ways to cook the artificial food and how to rewire home appliances so they can be used again. They also open up supply chains to coffee growers. All Culinary restrictions are lifted.
Me: Hey Adam, guess what?
Adam:  Oh hey.  What?
Me: You can get into the fridge anytime you want now.
Adam:  Really?  What about charcoal dogs?
Me: Gone.  I'm even gonna get you a pretty stove.
Adam:  Cool, I'll check it out in a bit. I also got this cat to like me.
Me:  Seriously?

While Sophie chooses to continue working 3 days a week (thank you!) Adam heads off to his one day a week schedule.  Adam comes home from work on his one day a week schedule.  And while sitting around playing chess the pop up that he has lost his job for not going to work arrives.  Not sure if it was a glitch in the mods I'm using to help control some of the restrictions but really he only worked one day a week anyway.  Let it goooooo!

And let it go he did.  Adam didn't give two hoots, much less half a hoot, about losing is job.  Heck, I don't think he even knew for sure what his job actually was having only done it twice!  He had bigger plans and before I knew it there was another cat in the house.

Meanwhile Sake, the original cat was doing well learning commands and advancing the career ladder.  Adding a second cat wasn't in her plans to dominate the family and she wasn't super happy about it.  Feline two didn't seem to thrilled to have to share his position either and Adam's apparent master plan to breed cats fell flat.  He wasn't worried.  He had more letters in the alphabet to hatch plans for his 'hobby'.  But back to Sake for a moment.
Every good cat needs a way to potty when litter boxes are forbidden!  Go Sake~

Moving up the ranks of Service Pet and woot, yea baby Sake unlocks more perks for the family!

Once a Pet reaches the top of the Service career, it helps the household’s elderly. Interacting with a trained Rescue Pet heals the mental and emotional damage done to the minds of the Elders. They are slowly helped out of their cloud of senility and brought back to reality by their furry friends. The Service Pet restriction is lifted.

Meanwhile Adam and Sophie take the next step in life...

The elder years.  Sophie chooses to continue to work. After the fuss she put up about having to change careers this surprises me.  I think she likes the attention that fame has brought her if you want to know the truth.  Adam is hardcore about pets, lots and lots of pets.  Two cats who despise each other apparently isn't enough as before I can blink he's adopted Pepper the dog as well.

Me: Hey Adam?
Adam: Yea?
Me: Seriously, another animal?  You know this house is tiny right?
Adam: Someone has to love them, get them off the streets.
Me: I think that's called hoarding.
Adam: ?
Me: Never mind, first world issues.  Someday you will see the tv show.  Once ya'll have tv again that is.
Adam: TV?  You going nuts Fizzy?
Me: No Adam, though I'm worried you are.  The cats despise each other so you add a dog?
Adam: Well I thought perhaps another personality might calm things done around here.
Me:  O.K.
One of MANY fights between the two and now three.  Adding Pepper just made it worse.

Me: Adam, I need you to rethink your plan.

Adam and the family got together with the edict that only one pet could remain in the household.  They chose Sake, as the original pet, since she had secured her place in history by unlocking the service pet career.  The others were lovingly given away to friends who seemed to be the right fit for the pet's personality.

Meanwhile, poor Isiah is busy just growing up and keeping his nose clean.  He made it through the teen years and maxed out the teen career, here's hoping it will move him up the ladder when the big time hits.  The hard part is the kid is either really shy or really geeky and never brought a friend home from work and never had an opportunity to meet any girls his age.  He hit adulthood with no girlfriend and no potential prospects to having one. Definitely gonna have to hit the streets to get him hooked up!

Good Gravy can you tell at a glace they are both related to Doo Rag?  That Nose!
With his leap into adulthood Isiah was promoted to Patrol Officer and truly starts the march toward unlocking the Law Enforcement career.  Will he manage to meet and woo Ms Right?  How long can Adam go without adopting yet another pet?  Would Sake even ever accept another animal in what she believes to be her kingdom?  What about Sophie...will she work up to her funeral?  Find out next time ...

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