Miss Me Yet?

 I know, I know it's been two months with no updates.  Zero. Zip. Nada.  And I one billion percent hold EA personally responsible.  I have come to believe that there is absolutely an annual vendetta there.  Before you start shaking your head and calling the loony bin about conspiracy theories let me explain.

Every year.  Every August to be exact.  Every year there is a normally benign patch for the game that comes up.  I mean that happens multiple times throughout the year but the one that releases late July/early August is always NOT benign, it's malignant I swear and the basis of the vendetta.    I have no issues with any other patch throughout the year.  This one though?  This one takes out my game and leaves me wailing and gnashing my teeth. Tears may or may not be involved.  Every August EA does everything in their power to shut me down and crumble my spirit.  The validation that I know it's personal?  The fact that the patch is for Sims 4 but it also renders Sims 2 broken with the same error message.  Sims 2 doesn't get updates so why is this happening from a Sims 4 patch?  Hence, vendetta!

Anyway, this vendetta always requires hours on chat and phone with IT doing all the pointless check lists they have to follow and always ends with well you can uninstall and reinstall the game.  Great in theory but  . . . when you live in the country the powers that be don't believe you deserve good internet.  Always something like we service your zip code or not your address baloney.  Last year I spent weeks redownloading. . .both games.  I mean it worked. . .last year.

Here's comes the annual vendetta patch.  I cried wrung my hands and whined to my Simmy friends and spent hours over multiple days on with tech support.  Guess where we ended up? Yup uninstall and reinstall.  I spent weeks making that happen.  Weeks!  And. . . same error message.  How does this not work when I've invested so much?!?  I've given up that I will never finish Strangerville nor any other sim related task ever.  Ever.  But then. . . Monday morning while getting ready for work at some unholy hour in the morning when literally no one but vampires and sleepwalkers are moving around I accidently did something with my mouse and randomly hear Sims 2 music coming from my closed laptop.  I had to take a moment ya know, it'd been so long since I had heard those sweet tunes.  Sims 2 was magically working but I was off to work.  That night Sims 4 had a patch.  That took all evening to finish and no time to do squat and no confidence that it would matter.  But. . .

Took some finagling and whatnot but this patch fixed the vendetta of the last patch.  I have my game back!  Now I just need time to play.  Story of my life.  Annual EA vendetta hate crimes are now checked off for 2021.  I have some commitments that will prevent me from being able to get the next installment out for a few weeks. . . and I need to get caught up in the story since it's literally been two months!  But, October will bring the resolution to the Strangerville story line and our time with Serenity.  August 2022?  I'm waiting for you!

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