Ella Matthews Legacy Challenge - Jami's First Documented Challenge!

 It's been a while since I've had an active, by-the-rules Legacy Challenge. When I was coerced by my friend to do some documenting, I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet. So here we go....

I created Ella Matthews in Sims 4. Ella because I liked the name, and Matthews was just randomly generated.

I started her on a 50 x 40 lot, because I don't have a 50x50 available. I'm sorry people--I don't move my already established sims. haha

Ella, as you can see, is Cheerful, Family Oriented, Creative, and Domestic.

Her funds were adjusted with plopping down the statue into the family inventory as suggested (which bumps bills, which is according to the rules) and got her a painting job.

Thankfully, there are a few rocks around for her to collect and sell, so that will help boost her funds so that she can have some much-needed items, like an easel.

She obviously cannot go without a tub, but upon canvassing the community, there are two public toilets, so technically I could've avoided buying her a toilet for a while. Meh. Whatever.

I don't think Ella is too thrilled with her living arrangements. Tough luck, chick. Life is tough, and sometimes you have to start at the bottom.

Meanwhile, look at your surroundings! You have THE best lot in the neighborhood, and you're narrowing your eyes at me? And look. I bought you an easel so that you can not be a starving artist . . . some day.

Hey, don't give me that look. I know you want to be Happy. I want you to be, too. Look, it could be much worse. You could be eaten by a Cow Plant. Or kidnapped by Goopy GilsCarbo. What? Who is he?! Girlfriend, you don't wanna know. Just be thankful you won't meet him any time soon. At least, I don't think you will.

Don't worry. Be happy!

 Her first day of work came the next morning. She had completed her Daily Task of Painting, so I sent her off to work and suggested she work hard. I think I pushed her a bit too far. Oops. But she did get a promotion on her first day!

Focus on the positives, Ella. Not your raging migraine. It'll get easier. I promise.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Ok, I'll stop with the cheesy cliches! Maybe.

Here you go. Join a club. Have some happy reading time. You can't afford a TV yet, so try a book instead. And watch your friend Ulrike drink two pots of coffee and nearly wet herself before she reaches the toilet! See, I told you things would get better!

All in good time, Ella. All in good time. And as soon as we know you're not going to starve, we'll be on the lookout for a live-in friend . . . who hopefully has more sense than to drink two pots of coffee.

Don't give me that look.

A partner would be able to get a job, bring in more money, and take you off the starving artist list.

You need to work on your smile. Your face will freeze that way.

Ok, that's it. Tomorrow we're starting the man hunt. Seriously, dude. Sour is not cool.

 I assumed that finding Ella a man would be a challenge. After all, her grimace isn't exactly attractive.

And when I saw these expressions when she and Sergio Baer met, I had a feeling that it would be a for sure strike out.

Optimistic was not a feeling I was embracing for these two, but they surprised me.

"See? I can be pleasant."

Yes, Ella. I'm glad. You exchange numbers with nice Sergio there. See how much better being with people makes you feel? So much more pleasant.

Over the course of several more days, between work of course and traipsing for rocks, Ella and Sergio hit it off quite nicely, and soon they were engaged. The next day they eloped.

 Check Back for Part 2 of Ella Matthews' Legacy Challenge where I'll talk about rules I'll be following for Ella's and Sergio's heirs and do a little home improvement!

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