Tifani Triumph: The College Years

Oh those college years.  They were hard enough actually doing them in real life however they have their own sort of drudgery to them in Sims 2.  Perhaps due to the fact that I never really was into the whole 'going out and about' both in real life or in game.  Perhaps because I always forget to slow down a second and 'smell the roses' so to speak - in game specifically.  Poor Tifani is a Popularity Sim who I am bound and determined to have meet and greet as many people as possible now while I have the tools and ability to keep her happy.  It is the one area that I am willing to really bend to as I know the restrictions and how hard it will be once the actual Apocalypse happens for her to meet people.  I am making a conscious effort not to 'skill' her to the brink in anticipation.  I let her spin the want for her major, political science, which will be of no help to her later but so be it.  Honestly, didn't even try to talk her out of it.  Thought about it the just repeated 'pick your battles' and let it go.  Truth be told, none of us know when our own lives will spin out of orbit so why should she be any different.  I'm trying valiantly to let her live in the moment.  While I know the trials to come she needs to be allowed focus on school, and people.

The hardest part is she so desperately wants to join a sorority which is forbidden, even for the founder pre-apocalypse.  Try telling her that!  Have you seen the 'why my two year old is throwing a fit photos on Facebook'?  Yea, like that only with a pixilated college kid.  Rockin', telling ya, not pretty.
Tifani:  Hey you!
Me:  Yes dear?
Tifani: I wanna join a Greek house.
Me:  Um, no ya don't.
Tifani: Yes, I do.
Me:  Sounds boring, no ya don't.
Tifani:  Sounds exciting and glamorous with really cool people.  Yes I do.
Me:  Ok well then um No.
Tifani: YES!
Me: How about you finish you skills for this semester and your term paper and we'll see.
Super wasn't happy with me, let me tell ya.  But like I said I did let me meet people so it couldn't have been all bad.

Tifani gained a LOT of logic skills making friends.   It's a great way to build social and getting happy at the same time.  She wrote her term paper every semester, which was at times a whole other battle.  And didn't guarantee an A each semester based on how the final time fell in regard to her class time and if she had build enough grade up even with the term paper.  Look at my girl hard at work! 

Term Paper Time!
However, dear sweet Tifani had to go throw a hiccup in the plan.  The plan was that she would  enjoy her college years, build some great memories, a little something to carry through the dark times to come.  A few friends, a few jokes, a few kisses.  Yea, the last one was NOT in the plan.  Tifani can't marry until she unlocks a career.  (Don't tell her that yet!).  But then she met doo rag.  I'm sure he has a name but well, doo rag.

Tifani:  Hey you.
Me:  Yes dear?
Tifani:  I'm ready to take the next step.
Me:  You already declared your major.  You still have a few semesters until you graduate.
Tifani:  I think I'm going to ask Joshua if he wants to get engaged.
Me:  (chocking on my Dr Pepper) you want to what?!?
Tifani:  I love him.  I want to get engaged.
Me:  You don't love him.
Tifani: I do.  Didn't you see the red hearts.
Me:  Doo Rag?
Tifani: His name is Joshua and I love him.
Me: Sweetie you know don't love him, you don't even know what love is yet.
Tifani: I do too love him, hello red hearts!  And he loves me!  How did you not see the red hearts??
Me: How about you finish you skills for this semester and your term paper and we'll see.
Tifani and Doo Rag flirting over breakfast.  Now do those look like red hearts to you?
 Good Gravy but this child is gonna be the end of me!  However, hallelujah  dear Tifani graduated with a 3.8 GPA and became a hopefully respectful adult.  Once I get her back to the home neighborhood and get her settled into her very restricted Apocalypse Abode I'll be back to share the next adventure as she learns what's actually in store for the next chapter of her life~

All grown up~


  1. Definitely looks like red hearts to me! *Dodges maters*

    1. Go finish your skills and term paper for this semester and I'll get you an eye appointment :D
