Moss Generation Challenge: G1 Chapter 2

In the last chapter we started off with trying to secure babies for the Moss family while working on the following goals
Get married
Complete the Bestselling Author aspiration
Become a writer
Marry 2 kids out
Have one enemy and two friends

Somehow I failed to even notice that I wasn't doing this generation challenge in order but that's okay, I guess! I'll try to keep a tally of completion since I started things off on the wrong foot by completing them out of order.

So, here is what my beautiful Moss family is looking like  as of late.  We have Angelica, Ashley, Aspen. Laurel, Alder and proud daddy, Ezra.  Yes, Alder is in desperate need of a new diaper...ah the joys of motherhood, Angelica!

Between Angelica's painting and Ezra's writing novels (maxed) the lovely couple was able to afford a bigger home.  They went from a home worth $20,000 to a home worth 48,000. Not bad for a young couple with three little ones keeping them busy!

Angelica and Ezra have both hit level 5 of their career and are well on their way to hitting level 6.

Their oldest daughter, Ashley, not only fulfilled her childhood aspiration as an Artistic Prodigy but also was an A student before turning into a teen.Yet, despite all of her accomplishments, Ashley seems like she's not so certain about life. Maybe it's just an artist thing...she's walked around all glum for no reason since her birthday.

She might just be upset with me for starting her right out on skilling up for her future as a musician but I can't resist. The girl is a musical genius and we all know how this works—the Maker always gets her way. So, Ashley will just have to suck it up.

Ezra advanced to his elder years...Angelica is still quite young. He married late in life as I'd never really intended for him to be more than help for his sister, Jordan.  Alas, the need for children outweighed my desire to have him be the happy bachelor and just look at him now! Daddy of four! I have to say that age was super kind to Ezra. He's rather a hottie with his silver hair!

Angelia and Ezra celebrated his birthday with another promotion (level 6 in their careers!) and upgraded their home with some brand new top of the line appliances. Despite these two large purchases these two still have 20,000 saved back for the next generation to spend! Not bad!

With renovations out of the way, Angelica made a birthday cake for the twins, Aspen and Laurel (both of whom fulfilled their childhood aspiration of Social Butterfly) and watched them blossom into teenagers.

These two couldn't look more different if they tried and yet their childhood aspirations and their adult aspirations and traits are identical. Both Active, Cheerful, Socially Gifted with a High Metabolism and both desire to be body builders. They are the very best of friends and as close as two siblings could possibly be. Their friendship is inspiring and beautiful. They're also both A students like their sister, Ashley.

This leaves me just four more days to try to scramble and complete Alder's childhood aspiration. Don't ask me why I slacked with him but now comes the mad dash to try to complete rambunctious scamp! Doesn't he look so enthusiastic about me waiting until his birthday to fulfill his childhood dreams?

Luckily I was able to pull off the mad dash of skilling and Alder completed his childhood aspiration just hours before his birthday. I hope and pray that he turns out better looking than his oldest sister and his brother.  Wish me luck guys, wish me luck.

His daddy also reached his life time aspiration (and challenge goal) of becoming a bestselling author. In celebration, Ezra and Angelica ran off to the bedroom to woohoo which means that Alder didn't get a birthday cake before he aged up.  Now he's all sad and mopey and really...what did he grow up in? This just won't do at all.  Off to the mirror he must go for a makeover!

Tune in next time to see if Alder has potential as a decent looking heir or if he's burn-it-with-fire ugly. Yes, I know, I'm really superficial when it comes to sims...the Almighty Ruler of Everything has already informed me.

If sim shaming isn't your cuppa, I promise there will be plenty of other updates. In the next chapter there will be love, skill points and maybe even a new'll just have to read and see!


  1. Oh my good grits and gravy with tomatoes and salsa what is that poor child wearing?!?

    1. Something burn-it-with-fire awful. That's my new description for all hideous sims or clothing.
