Tifani Triumph: Education Years Part 2

Jeremiah has become the Mayor, Felicia is expecting their first (and hopefully only) child, and Paul has passed away.  It was a busy week for certain.  And there is only more to come.  Let's dive in!

It wasn't moments after dropping back into the house that the magical moment came and Felicia went into labor.

Baby Jana was born and immediately handed over to Jeremiah because...yup they despise me too...
There's ANOTHER baby on the way.  Twins.  Why?  For the love of all that is ooey gooey  and cheesy why twins!
Moments later baby Belle joins the family as well.  Paul, I believe, would have been in heaven.  However, I don't think these two realize what this means.  While Jana and Belle are sweet and cute and annoying and really do not need that millionth bottle Jill, they cannot be heir.  And that means another flippin' baby.  Thanks guys.  Seriously Jill, she doesn't want another bottle yet!

Before the girls grow up to toddler Jill's date with Grimmy sneaks in while she is preparing dinner.  Jill was a friend to Paul while he was growing up.  Paul set his sights on her and once he hit adulthood the proposal was swift, yet meaningful, and they began their lifetime of love.  I had serious concerns about Jill and the obvious lack of basic intelligence when we first spoke and became even more concerned when she chose to pursue the Intelligence career.  However, what she had in confusion in the beginning she more than made up for with compassion, love, and a drive to be her best.  Jill was a good sister in law to Paul's siblings, a good wife to Paul and a good mother to Jeremiah.  She exceeded perceived expectations and excelled in the Intelligence career despite a small setback due to Janabel's passing.  She carried herself with dignity, grace, and love for those around her.  Jill missed Paul after his passing but threw herself into the love for her grand-babies.  She will be missed by everyone.
The night of her passing Paul's ghost came for one of his visit's, probably to see babies since that was his lifelong obsession, and mourned over Jill's passing.  Not sure why as now their ghostly selves are back together as in life but it was cute to see that even ghosts can mourn.
With Jill's passing we have a small conundrum.  Jill had chosen to start her career once the babies came and Jill was being the perfect doting Grandma to them while the 'kids' were off to work.  With Jill passing the day before toddler-hood there was a serious lack of childcare in the house.  Oh wait..thank you again Jeremiah for allowing all Sims to use accumulated vacation time or even call in sick.  So, mom and dad took turns throughout their toddler-hood and I will assume into their childhood as well.  Jill, when she needs skilling time for a promotion will stay home on days Jeremiah works.  Otherwise Jeremiah will stay home as he's garnered vacation time and has already maxed his career.

Before long Jana and Belle's toddler birthday arrived. And as toddler's Mom and Dad worked hard with both girls to max out their skills.  Both girls learned to walk, talk and potty trained.  I have to be honest though.  I missed an adorable photo op of the two playing tug of war with a bottle, OK knowing toddlers more like fighting but still, however the nursery was too tiny for the right angle and they had stopped before I had a chance to pause.  Trust me though, totally cute!
As the girls age closer to child I move closer to knowing that an actual heir must be born, with dread.  However, it seems as I am not the only one with this sentiment as Felicia suddenly has developed a fear of having a baby.  Sorry toots, ya'll brought this on yourselves...and me.  Your lucky I'm being so nice right now!

Before moving on to more birthday pictures I should acknowledge that Felicia has made some strides in her chosen career and has moved up to high school teacher.  With the need for another child she also has no worries about losing her job due to taking the required time off.  There, see how I actually mentioned the only career being worked on right now?  Doesn't make up for having to have another kidlet though...
Until next time....

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