Tifani Triumph: Generation 5 Houses

With all the new adults soon to make their way into the world I've discovered that in all there are to be now 10 other houses, literally doubled from before.  For now I'll be breaking those houses into generations.  This time we will drop in on Martha, Peter, Mary, Abigail and Samuel.  Next time we'll check in with the newly struggling adults.

Martha's House

Martha's family is ready for some BIG changes.  Faith and Hope have each chosen to strike out on their own.  The first time away from each other and away from their family.  Love, still just a teen, will remain at home to become heir to the new house.  Yup, while Faith and Hope are packing their bags so is the rest of the family.  Moving to their first 'real' house.
Moving day breakfast.  Faith, Hope, and Love having one last breakfast in the apartment.  Shortly after the twins called for separate taxis to take them to their new lives.  Not that home will ever be far from their minds.  We'll see them again next time, I promise.

Moving for Martha, Talin and Love was a bit more complicated.  Finding the right now.  Enough house to grow with future families but not so big it was impossible to heat in this nuclear winter.  (Think Abigail's first house which was technically pre-Seasons expansion and therefore not 'insulated' and I couldn't fix it to make it safe.) I tried a couple of different houses before I found 'the one'.  It was perfect in size, price wasn't too much of a hindrance for these guys, and with some simple remodels by me it was home.
Originally considered a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath the family lived through a remodel.  The two upstairs bedrooms were converted to a master and two smaller bedrooms.  OK, seriously like a wall was added to cut one large bedroom in two but whatever, it worked.  Downstairs the bedroom was again cut in two to make a study and a nursery.  I hope that Martha's family will be happy here for generations to come.

On the life front however, I've got other decisions to make.  Martha has achieved her lifetime want by maxing her career.  Her new lifetime want is all about having top businesses.  Is it fair though, to let her open a business or five when realistically we are just dancing around her future with Grimmy.  Well, and dancing around with Talin.  What is it with elder sims not being able to keep their hands off each other?!?
Taken in the newly remodeled study.
I'm not yet keen on letting her explore business ownership and she's maxed all her skills.  Like all of them!  She needed something to do.  And then she met Webster.  Who with a little love and time joined the family.
Meanwhile Talin has stalled out on his quest for career due to lack of friends.  Friends aren't really all that important to him as his actual want is to max all his skills.  So he's working on that and going to work and leaving the friend stuff up to the ladies.  Love, she's just focused on growing up.  I'm focused on finding her a potential future husband, she's just focused on living.  And I'm good with that.

Peter's House

Peter's family is more than ready to leave the apartments and into their own house.  While they don't deal with the neighbor noise quite like his sister's, they lack space.  And perhaps space will help keep Lily happier.
Moving Day!  Finding Peter's family a new home as a tad easier.  Again, a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath that with a little Almighty remodeling will hopefully shelter Peter's family for generations to come.
Settled in Peter is immediately off to work while Ivy and Lily greeted the Welcome Committee.  Lily met a few new people and with mom and dad aging she'll need to eventually have her own friends.  Though I'd prefer a guy her own age, if you know what I mean.

Part way through the week Ivy celebrated her birthday after work.  These evening birthday's are so difficult to photograph since well, it's dark outside.
And just as all the elders before them Peter and Ivy just can't not be together.  I guess I should be glad they can't autonomously woohoo, especially when they aren't elders!

Mary's House
Mary's family is the last to leave the apartments.  Oddly enough, and I should have taken a picture as 'proof' but some weird glitch of some sort kept the already moved families hanging out in the side yard.  Their apartments were already rented out but their they hung out freezing and wetting themselves and stinking to high heavens.   Anyway, moving day has arrived!
Yup, the now traditional last meal before the big move.  They haven't quite finished packing yet but that's ok, I still have to find them a house that will meet their needs yet that they can still afford.  Price is much more an issue with this family than with the other siblings.  But I did find one, hopefully it will meet their needs for generations to come.
Remodeling wasn't really required as there wasn't much to work with.  However, serious redecorating is still in store.  Mary and Shea may not have appreciated my choosing to work on the master while they were snuggling but hey, what are they gonna do ya know?

On with living!  Shea made a few promotions and while has career isn't his lifetime goal he does have a pretty hefty want to max it out.  Mary long ago maxed her career but again not her lifetime want so she's just plucking along.  Zachariah, now a teen finally find a job in culinary which is his lifetime aspiration.  This family has a lot of friends, thanks Shea, but none of them are Zachariah's.  This needs to start changing quickly as mom and dad are aging but he also needs to find 'the one'.

Before the week was out Mary celebrated her birthday.  Her and Shea had brought friends home from work so there was visiting and eating and hanging out to be done.  And as time slipped by she didn't auto age.  Finally just after midnight she decided it was time.
Oh Mary, that outfit...beyond hideous!  It does make you teeth and hair appear to glow.

Abigail's House
Oh the land of chaos.  But wait, what is that I remember?  Oh yeah!  Three kids are moving out!  That's like half of them!  Just gotta get through moving day and then perhaps slightly less chaos?  Forget about a cute 'moving day' meal photo with the family.  Getting this family into the same room together at any one time is like herding cats.  Even if I served a meal and called them all one meal will only feed part of them!  Let's get those adult children outta here~
John is the only one with something of a future plan.  He's spent time with Meadow and plans to pursue a future with her once he's established in his own place.  Isabella and Issac are planning nothing but solitude for a while.  And I can't say I blame them one little bit!

Immediately the stress in the house lessened for everyone.  It was still there, clouding around the edges but oh so much better than before.  Much easier to find an unoccupied bathroom, serve a family meal, just walk the staircase!

 Few days down the road and Eden's birthday came as she returned from work with Oliver in tow.  They are destined to be together and have declared their intent to marry.  So it was only fitting that they grew up to adult together as well.
Eden was dying to propose right then and there but I suggested she wait.  Just because you know you'll be together and have planned your future doesn't mean that an engagement is something you pop spur of the moment...you plan it.  Next week dear one, next week when you strike out together in your own spaces.

Whatever got between Eden and Bethany last week is still brewing.  I wish I knew what had caused the fight but this week the slap around ended with Bethany's relationship with Eden in the negatives, but not the reds.  Eden just has no feelings for Bethany, everything is 0.
It was a busy week for the household.  Moving out, growing up and then losing Clarence.  Clarence returned from work Friday afternoon to be met by Grimmy.  I'm sure he would have preferred anyone but that but alas, his time had come.  Clarence was part of a power couple, power when it comes to population explosion anyway.  He was father to the first set of post-apocalyptic twins, he fathered 6 children total but longed for more.  Clarence did his best as a husband and father.  Careers and friendships were never his strong suit but family was everything.Clarence, you were a pleasure to work with, despite the baby thing.

Samuel's House
Ye gads, back to a house with toddler twins.  The massive changes at Abigail's means I'm not quite as overwhelmed as I could be.  Still dreading it but alas, let's go.  New house is coming my dears!
First and foremost I have to share the horrible truth I learned this week.  Gwen's chronic unhappiness while pregnant and sim-partum?  It's a character flaw and nothing to do whatsoever with being pregnant and having twin babies.  The woman cannot be happy!   Even in the new house with all the space?  She loves it but still ain't happy.

Madison and Mason are the primary reason why this family needs a new house stat.  There's just not enough space in the current abode for more than one little one at a time.  They are cramped!  However, during toddler-hood the move to the new house made a world of difference.  They didn't manage to quite get all their skills but they put in a valiant effort before becoming children.
And yes Madison did choose to sit IN the wall while working on talking with Gwen.  There is no reasoning with toddlers!

Samuel tried so hard to make Gwen happier.  I gotta tell ya though the woman is even immune to woohoo happy.  Though the fireplace in the new house added a touch of ambience that was sweet.
  By weeks end I was never happier to be leaving.  The twins are doing well.  Samuel and Gwen have gotten some minor promotions at work.  And I know that soon they will have to have another baby, an heir to this new home. 

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