Scarlet Alexa: Generation 8 Chapter 2

Ariana is looking to the stars for answers to all of the questions she has about life. She's spent days digging around in the library and found old files written down by Akito Montgomery in the fifth generation and she's convinced there's political corruption that is going to result in a massive apocalypse. I don't dig obsession but at least this one is forcing my sim into gaining many skills in preparation for the future.

With Ariana so busy with her studies, Scarlet and Phillip have been busy building a stronger relationship. Both of them have completed their aspirations to have a soulmate.

You can't believe how very happy I am for these two! Scarlet started out with the dreaded love affair with a married man so I couldn't have imagined that she would go on to find the love of her life with a man that is noncommittal!

Back to Ariana—that girl is determined! She's now a savant and earning skills even faster.  Further, she's started building a rocket ship! WHOA! You go girl!

Of course, being the overachiever that she is, it didn't take long for her to be D-O-N-E! Yes, folks, pretty soon there will be a Montgomery in Space. You can't believe how proud I am.  We just need to give this ship a couple upgrades and we'll be ready for launch!

Before Ariana could head for the stars—Phillip reached for the heavens in unexpected ways.  I honestly thought that he and Scarlet would have more time together. Her heart is just shattered. He was much older but still...we were caught off guard.

If there's anything that Scarlet learned from Phillip though, it's that you need companionship.  Things don't even have to be super serious.  Yes, their particular relationship was. He was her soulmate and while she is devastated, she doesn't feel the need to neglect her social needs.

So, she lovingly placed flowers on his grave and then made wishes for romance at the wishing well. 

Meet Preston.  He's kinda cute. He's young, but cute.  I'm sure he'll provide a bit of romance and a not-so-serious relationship for Ms. Scarlet. 

 We'll give it a few days though before things get too serious.  We want to be respectful towards Phillip. Plus, it's Ariana's birthday into young adulthood!

With Ariana now a young adult, I've had her to join up with the Legacy club.  She's an overachiever and convinced the world is going to end. That means she wants to be prepared by learning everything that she can! No time for romance yet...this girl is still busy trying her best to get to space! 

Her rocket science skills are maxed and she unlocked connections so that she could start her career as a scientist! No better way to get to space and make a difference in the world—possibly even save it!

First, though? She decided to save her mom! Scarlet was due to age to elder and Ariana talked her into drinking the life essence of a sim that Penny's cowplants devoured.  Mama is now back to the first day of adulthood!

These two ladies are going to take over the world!

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