For the last time we will visit the 'Other Houses' based on generation. Generation 5 is starting to meet their dates with Grimmy making way for their children to truly take over the homesteads. Now mind you, with Janabel's multiple children throughout her life and her sister Delilah's desire to postpone settling down until late in life the 'generations' are a bit skewed. Here's a view of the total family tree here --> Triumph Family Tree.
Martha's House
The week starts out simple enough. Some work, some skills, some time with Webster. Because outside of a few days of work that is all that Martha has to do. Webster.
Yup, Webster has maxed behaving in the bath since he gets a bath Webster has learned all the available commands because Martha has nothing else to bide her time with. At this point I gave in and let her buy a business.
Pepe's Pets, Martha chose to keep the original name since Pepe did all the work to make it functional. Martha takes Webster with her every day, of course, but also Love and Talin when they can be spared from their other persuits. She quickly gets the hang of sells and before long has the Dazzle option. She also pretty quickly has earned 4 stars for her business. She's dedicated, and it gets her out of my hair!
Midweek and it's birthday time! Love is a family sim already but her lifetime want is to graduated 3 children from college. If Felicia doesn't get in gear and unlock Education soon this want will never come to pass. However, Martha has passed ownership of the store to Love as well as educated her with all the perks she has learned so that Love can move forward successfully as a business owner, if she so chooses.
And yes, thanks for pointing that out. She did grow up in the bathroom like a true Triumph.
End of the week came and after another successful day at the Shop disaster struck.
Yes only my sims think about calling for a baby while meeting with Grimmy! Poor Talin, taken so unawares. This late in the week I thought for sure we'd have him a bit longer. He was a good neighbor to Martha and her siblings when they first moved to the apartments. And neighborly friendliness became something more. Before you could blink they were in love, married, and expecting the twins. He was a good man, good father, good husband, good friend, just good. He will truly be missed by all who knew him.
In her grief, Martha decides that now is the time for Love to truly become head of household. She officially passes the reins to Love whose life we will follow next time.
Peter's House
The goal: Lily needs a future spouse. The timeline: sooner rather than later. But other stuff happens too.
The week rolls along smoothly enough. Peter maxes out his career as Rock God and they all slave away to get enough friends for Ivy to max out the Intelligence career as well. In the quest for friends I had a personal quest to find a suitable match for Lily. And came up lacking. Hold that thought for a moment because Ivy just fulfilled her lifetime want of maxing the Intelligence career!
OK, back to Lily's problem. She's now an adult. Oh yeah, that happened too.
I had to show you this birthday for a reason. First, the little fireworks that move up their body and then come down as the confetti is pretty cool looking. But more importantly, she went from totally dressed inappropriately for the nuclear winter in shorts and a tank top to dressed in her everyday wear of a coat and fur-lined boots. Perhaps some people actually do get some common sense with age? Time will tell.
OK, back to the problem. The only eligible man of an appropriate age in Lily's phone book was Malcolm Landgrab. And since he is a playable sim I don't really desire to jack up his existing household. Mom and Dad both have potential mates in their books but dang if they refuse to come over and meet the daughter. So, desperate times call for desperate measures. To the street we go!
First adult, not elder, male that walks by is ripe for the pickin', he just don't know it yet. Taylor Walter it is. Run and meet him already Lily. Stop making that stupid snowman, your future husband is standing by the mailbox already!
Chat, chat, chat, chat, chat, admire, flirt - check out. Yup we got some lightning bolts. There's a good future here. And he passed the nose test! They managed to be friends to crushing to first kiss before he ran off embarrassed due to some serious body odor.
The very next day she invited him over again and they made it to besties and he agreed to move in before she had to dash off to work. Perhaps, next week, they will 'take it to the next level' :S.
Peter and Ivy have decided, that while they are still living, it's time for Lily to take the reins. She's an adult now, with a future husband already in house, and she has her own story to tell.
Mary's House
Shea and Ivy are elders. Zachariah is yet a teen with his future in front of him. And my desire to find him the right match is becoming a priority.
I'm just gonna be honest right out of the gate. This family as the height of boring this week. No big event, no eligible bachelorettes, though I thought for half a moment there would be, nothing. I even took the basic photo of Zachariah playing with the fire, just to have a picture.
I got a bit of excitement when Zachariah brought a female home from work with him. Seriously, I was already seeing red hearts. Until I realized it was Bethany. Bethany, his 3rd cousin, but still Bethany. Yes the option to flirt was there. Yes, the idea of blech was at the tip of my tongue. So, he treated he just like you should a cousin and sent her on her way.
So, that was it this week. Oh wait, yeah, Shea maxed out his career. Lifetime want achieved. Now he wants to open 5 top ranked businesses. Not happening! Next week offers promise and excitement. Zachariah will grow up and the world of women will be his buffet. He has several already on his friends' list!
Abigail's House
With half the kids moving out last week, and Eden moving out this week hopefully things will be a breeze. Clarence passed away this week and there is the slight fear that we will lose Abigail this week. Is Andrew ready to take on the household on his own? Perhaps we will keep Abigail another week.
First things first, Goodbye Eden. Have fun storming the castle! Or finding your own house. Or yeah just go adult somewhere else.
Eden is now out on her own and we'll check out her new house another time. Meanwhile the House of Horrors is now down to just 3 inhabitants. Abigail has maxed out EVERYTHING and has maxed her career. She has a new career want, to go from law enforcement and Captain Hero to the Life of Crime. That seems very elder-life crisis to me and I'm not giving in to it. She can't max the career anyway, she's an elder for the sake of grits!
Couple of days later Bethany's birthday arrived. But, alas, she appears to be a procrastinator.
Need to adult and don't really want to? Lay on the sofa for a bit. Go build a snowman. Wait, might be hungry, let's head to the kitchen. Halfway there remember that you were supposed to grow up 2 HOURS ago. Yup, that's exactly what Bethany did.
Meanwhile, life just casually continues to roll by. I'm terrified to let Abigail leave my sight as I know that Grimmy is coming. She's 81 days old now. It's a matter of moments not days. Which moment will be her last?
While waiting and watching for the fateful appearance of Grimmy baby Andrew grew up to an adult as well. He's ready to take the reins, he thinks, and make this house his own. With his own family. He thinks he knows who he wants to spend his life with. He just hasn't convinced her to even come visit yet. So, if he doesn't get that going soon I'm intervening and sending him to work the street like almost every other person in his family tree has done to find their mate!
And before you say anything yes Andrew does have some creepy weird thing going on with his face. And yes he does have a terrible tacky sense of style at this stage of life. However, we close the week with Abigail still very much alive. Tucked in for the night and ready for what comes next time.
Samuel's House
New home, twins growing up, looks good right? Wrong! Gwen the Terrible must go through the added misery of having another child in order for the house to have a proper heir. She's such a miserable person that I hate to put myself through that but it must happen. I think, perhaps, maybe I'm becoming a sim hoarder. But more on that another time!
Having a baby can't be put off any longer as Samuel and Gwen are both ticking closer and closer to elder. Pray for Gwen...that I don't kill her with fire!
I did manage one quick picture of the baby bump before she collapsed in bed one day. It as the same as before, hunger going down while eating, potty going down while pottying, sleep going down while sleeping and fun just never leaving pure red. Before baby arrived though another birthday happened in the house.
Madison and Mason are now teens! With futures to plan and goals to design. Though I do believe even Mason is fed up with his Mom's unhappiness. Or he inherited it one. Look at that face!
When go time came, in true Triumph fashion, it was in the bathroom.
And baby Jonah was born! This family is way more into 'baby' than any other family thus far. And I don't just mean bottles. I mean holding and cooing and generally just annoying me!
Perhaps now, Iife can return to it's normal humdrum unhappiness. Right Gwen? Hey! PUT THAT BOTTLE DOWN! He is NOT hungry again 5 seconds after his brother gave him a bottle. Go make a friend or something already! Ugh. At least once we return Jonah will become a toddler. And Gwen and Samuel elders. And the twins, well they'll still be kicking around as well.
Tifani Triumph: Generation 5 Houses Again
Thursday, December 29, 2016
The Strattons (5)
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Just a quick little update on life.
Kaitlynn and Ryker have aged to teen, then became best friends, that relationship evolved to their being in a romantic relationship and getting the coveted first kiss, and Kaitlynn took the leap and gave Ryker that promise to be his forever.
Kiera, Ayden, and Stewart all aged to teens and made the decision to move in with Candy (the twins' mother).
This, along with Kaitlynn and Ryker being so busy, leaves Karly and Zachary with WAY too much time on their hands. They both joined a club together and it has made them very adventurous. I sent them to a club party together and they took it upon themselves to woohoo in a closet (HEY! At least a closet is more private than a bush and it was the two of them and not Zachary with another woman!). That leaves us with a HUGE baby bump and Karly soaking away the pains of labor.
Stay tuned, to find out birth details!
Kaitlynn and Ryker have aged to teen, then became best friends, that relationship evolved to their being in a romantic relationship and getting the coveted first kiss, and Kaitlynn took the leap and gave Ryker that promise to be his forever.
This, along with Kaitlynn and Ryker being so busy, leaves Karly and Zachary with WAY too much time on their hands. They both joined a club together and it has made them very adventurous. I sent them to a club party together and they took it upon themselves to woohoo in a closet (HEY! At least a closet is more private than a bush and it was the two of them and not Zachary with another woman!). That leaves us with a HUGE baby bump and Karly soaking away the pains of labor.
Angela's Legacy,
medical career,
Stratton Family
Tifani Triumph: Education Years Part 4
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Last we left the main house Felicia was ready to pop anytime with the new baby. She's still needing a few friends for her promotions and I'm getting worried that Education may not be unlocked. Not that she's not got plenty of time but dang babies and making friends don't really go together too well. And Jeremiah has been Mayor for a while. Thinking about a career change for him just to fulfill his actual lifetime want but alas, no decisions have been made there yet either. The most pressing need to know is the heir however.
And settle in for a wait. I 'thought' that baby would come anytime, like literally any minute. I was very wrong. The twins grew up to teens before baby ever made an appearance.
Am I crazy or does Jana look a LOT like her Great Grandmother Janabel? I mean change the obvious difference in hair color and slightly in the nose. Even the clothing choices are pretty striking in my opinion.
One thing about these two is while they are twins, they are as different as night and day. Jana is laid back, fun-loving and sweet. Belle is yet another chronically unhappy, uptight but still sweet. OK, maybe they are a little bit alike. Since neither is slated to become heir they are free to pursue whatever dreams they may have...within reason. Belle's desire to marry of 6 children could be the death sentence on my teetering sanity.
Later that same night the heir was born. Yes, heir. Spoiler. Only 1 baby!
Meet baby Charles! He's a little cutie, I know you can't tell from these photos but trust me, serious cuteness! (Grits I may be channeling The Maker again.)
It is time to get down to business. Felicia needs friends and needs them yesterday. She's working the phone, the girls are working the street (ok that did NOT sound right but geez, the walkers. Again! The people that walk by the house.) and Felicia finally gets that promotion to high school principal. Only a few more to go!
While Felicia is focused on promotions little Charles is getting ready to grow up to toddler. And, much like his looong anticipated birth so goes his birthday. 1 hours after he was set to grow up he finally aged.
And while Felicia still quests for friends, and a few skills, Charles is loved and learning those most important toddler skills.
And yes, before you say anything he is learning to walk in the bathroom. He is a Triumph after all.
Before the week ended Jeremiah grew to elder. When we return Felicia will be right on his heels. And, her career is still not unlocked. And, I'm really worried about that one. And Charles will grow to child. But, there's still that career to be worried about. And here's a birthday picture of Jeremiah.
Don't ask me why he chose to grow up in the nursery...I haven't the faintest clue what this man is doing at times. I know he wasn't working on making friends to help his wife. That is all.
And settle in for a wait. I 'thought' that baby would come anytime, like literally any minute. I was very wrong. The twins grew up to teens before baby ever made an appearance.
Am I crazy or does Jana look a LOT like her Great Grandmother Janabel? I mean change the obvious difference in hair color and slightly in the nose. Even the clothing choices are pretty striking in my opinion.
One thing about these two is while they are twins, they are as different as night and day. Jana is laid back, fun-loving and sweet. Belle is yet another chronically unhappy, uptight but still sweet. OK, maybe they are a little bit alike. Since neither is slated to become heir they are free to pursue whatever dreams they may have...within reason. Belle's desire to marry of 6 children could be the death sentence on my teetering sanity.
Later that same night the heir was born. Yes, heir. Spoiler. Only 1 baby!
Meet baby Charles! He's a little cutie, I know you can't tell from these photos but trust me, serious cuteness! (Grits I may be channeling The Maker again.)
It is time to get down to business. Felicia needs friends and needs them yesterday. She's working the phone, the girls are working the street (ok that did NOT sound right but geez, the walkers. Again! The people that walk by the house.) and Felicia finally gets that promotion to high school principal. Only a few more to go!
While Felicia is focused on promotions little Charles is getting ready to grow up to toddler. And, much like his looong anticipated birth so goes his birthday. 1 hours after he was set to grow up he finally aged.
And while Felicia still quests for friends, and a few skills, Charles is loved and learning those most important toddler skills.
And yes, before you say anything he is learning to walk in the bathroom. He is a Triumph after all.
Before the week ended Jeremiah grew to elder. When we return Felicia will be right on his heels. And, her career is still not unlocked. And, I'm really worried about that one. And Charles will grow to child. But, there's still that career to be worried about. And here's a birthday picture of Jeremiah.
Don't ask me why he chose to grow up in the nursery...I haven't the faintest clue what this man is doing at times. I know he wasn't working on making friends to help his wife. That is all.
Taylor Alexa Montgomery: Generation 4 Chapter 4
Friday, December 23, 2016
Alexa and Lamar are elders and they're as focused as ever on plowing through their careers and living a full life! In fact, the day after Alexa turned elder, she was promoted to the top of the athletic career!
Don't you wish you earned as much money as sims do in their careers? I swear, I am jealous every single time they get a promotion.
Of course, I wouldn't want the 7,000 bill they have to pay a week for their home!
I guess with more money comes more responsibility!
This promotion put Alexa at 3/4 in her Fortune aspiration. Next up? Earn 200,000...I really don't see that happening in this lifetime. Who knows though, maybe she'll surprise me. She makes 3,000 a day and while there is a chance for promotions...she's already an elder and that is a LOT of money. I do have her working on paintings in her spare time as well so she can generate money on the side.
Lamar got his promotion but I'm not sure that he'll complete his current aspiration as his life bar is blinking. He does have that often mentioned long-lived trait though so we'll see how long he hangs on.
He has completed Bodybuilder and Musical genius already so I guess if he doesn't hang on long enough to complete his current aspiration—it'll be okay.
He's been a very hard worker and he put up with Alexa through those years when she was depressed and unpleasant so I reckon I'll let him rest in peace when his time comes. Maybe.
Can you believe we're already talking about death for this generation? Geez, they grow too fast. No, I'm not crying. My eyes are sweating. Don't you all insult me by thinking I'm going soft. I'm NOT and I won't hesitate to kill another sim to prove it. Mmmkay?
Life is pretty good, for the most part. I'm worried that Alexa will fall back into depression since her kids are practically grown and her uncle Ezra has passed away. They spent a lot of time together. She's done so well for so long but I worry what grief might do to her. I had such a terrible time with her last time she lost someone close to her.
To stave off any disappointment and grief...I decided to bribe Alexa with a brand new house. I felt like Oprah. A house for you, and you and you! Houses for EVERYONE! This lot increases the Montgomery lot value from 209,000 to 236,000.
Plus, this doubles as a birthday gift for Sophia because it is her birthday! Go, Sophia! Getcha romancin' on, it's your birthday! You all know what this means? It is time to find a man! Want to know something ridiculous? The Maker is so sleepy that as she went on the man hunt she was singing, "I was searching for a man, all across Simpan. Just to find, to find my sim a guy."
Remember she expressed interest in the maid? Well, I don't know what happened to him but once she aged up, he was nowhere to be found on her friends list. It's like he disappeared. So, in my searching for her a man, we happened to know this dude named Akito Nakamura.
So, she invited him over for dinner and ended up proposing to him. He said yes and they immediately eloped!
I set the happy couple up with their careers, Doctor for Sophia and Politician for Akito. I also gave him a little makeover at the mirror. Not bad! He's kinda cute!
He's also a bit of a wildcard. He's a sim that loves the outdoors and collecting things and yet a politician. Akito wants to make sure that all sims have the opportunity to do great things with their life.
BUT...first babies. Usually I make my sims wait a bit unless things just happen with risky woohoo but Alexa wants a grandchild and she pretty much told them to get to it because her life is blinking!
So, as soon as Akito came home from his first day of work I sent them straight the hot tub to try for a baby.
Trying for baby was a success! Sophia is expecting her first child! This is so exciting! Come on, little one! Please arrive before grandma and grandma say their goodbyes to this world! Please? It's been ever so long since one of my Legacy sims have gotten to meet their grandchild! Alexa is so excited too. It'll break my heart if she doesn't get to meet her grandbaby. This is so important to me and to Alexa!
Before I knew it, it was go time. Sophia was in labor. Sophia is determined to have only one child so note how nice she has the little girl's room decorated. She is hoping and praying for a little girl so she doesn't have to go through another pregnancy. Partly because she's wanting to be a doctor like her great grandma Jordan and also because she's been so sick and tired the entire pregnancy.
Well, she gave birth to a son. Michael Elijah. Want to see Sophia's response to being told she would have to have another baby at some point in the future to secure an heir for her maker?
Don't get me wrong, she is very excited to be a mom but she is not excited to puke her guts up ever single day of her life for months! The only plus for her right now is that Alexa and Lamar BOTH lived long enough to meet their grandchild. We are all kind of surprised since their lifebars have been blinking for days!
Hopefully they'll get to spend some time with their precious new grandson. They do have the long-lived aspiration so I guess we'll see how much time they actually get to spend with him. All in all, the future is looking bright for Sophia and I'm so elated to see Lamar and Alexa handing over the reigns in a less traumatic way than some of the previous generations. Things feel more peaceful and less rushed with these two. They're living out the last of their days in love and preparing their daughter for their eventual passing so that she can better cope with losing them than Alexa was able to in those early months of her marriage.
Please join us back next time to say your final goodbyes to a great generation of sims and hello to a bright new future with the next.
Don't you wish you earned as much money as sims do in their careers? I swear, I am jealous every single time they get a promotion.
Of course, I wouldn't want the 7,000 bill they have to pay a week for their home!
I guess with more money comes more responsibility!
This promotion put Alexa at 3/4 in her Fortune aspiration. Next up? Earn 200,000...I really don't see that happening in this lifetime. Who knows though, maybe she'll surprise me. She makes 3,000 a day and while there is a chance for promotions...she's already an elder and that is a LOT of money. I do have her working on paintings in her spare time as well so she can generate money on the side.
Lamar got his promotion but I'm not sure that he'll complete his current aspiration as his life bar is blinking. He does have that often mentioned long-lived trait though so we'll see how long he hangs on.
He has completed Bodybuilder and Musical genius already so I guess if he doesn't hang on long enough to complete his current aspiration—it'll be okay.
He's been a very hard worker and he put up with Alexa through those years when she was depressed and unpleasant so I reckon I'll let him rest in peace when his time comes. Maybe.
Can you believe we're already talking about death for this generation? Geez, they grow too fast. No, I'm not crying. My eyes are sweating. Don't you all insult me by thinking I'm going soft. I'm NOT and I won't hesitate to kill another sim to prove it. Mmmkay?
Life is pretty good, for the most part. I'm worried that Alexa will fall back into depression since her kids are practically grown and her uncle Ezra has passed away. They spent a lot of time together. She's done so well for so long but I worry what grief might do to her. I had such a terrible time with her last time she lost someone close to her.
To stave off any disappointment and grief...I decided to bribe Alexa with a brand new house. I felt like Oprah. A house for you, and you and you! Houses for EVERYONE! This lot increases the Montgomery lot value from 209,000 to 236,000.
Plus, this doubles as a birthday gift for Sophia because it is her birthday! Go, Sophia! Getcha romancin' on, it's your birthday! You all know what this means? It is time to find a man! Want to know something ridiculous? The Maker is so sleepy that as she went on the man hunt she was singing, "I was searching for a man, all across Simpan. Just to find, to find my sim a guy."
Remember she expressed interest in the maid? Well, I don't know what happened to him but once she aged up, he was nowhere to be found on her friends list. It's like he disappeared. So, in my searching for her a man, we happened to know this dude named Akito Nakamura.
So, she invited him over for dinner and ended up proposing to him. He said yes and they immediately eloped!
I set the happy couple up with their careers, Doctor for Sophia and Politician for Akito. I also gave him a little makeover at the mirror. Not bad! He's kinda cute!
He's also a bit of a wildcard. He's a sim that loves the outdoors and collecting things and yet a politician. Akito wants to make sure that all sims have the opportunity to do great things with their life.
BUT...first babies. Usually I make my sims wait a bit unless things just happen with risky woohoo but Alexa wants a grandchild and she pretty much told them to get to it because her life is blinking!
So, as soon as Akito came home from his first day of work I sent them straight the hot tub to try for a baby.

Before I knew it, it was go time. Sophia was in labor. Sophia is determined to have only one child so note how nice she has the little girl's room decorated. She is hoping and praying for a little girl so she doesn't have to go through another pregnancy. Partly because she's wanting to be a doctor like her great grandma Jordan and also because she's been so sick and tired the entire pregnancy.
Well, she gave birth to a son. Michael Elijah. Want to see Sophia's response to being told she would have to have another baby at some point in the future to secure an heir for her maker?
Don't get me wrong, she is very excited to be a mom but she is not excited to puke her guts up ever single day of her life for months! The only plus for her right now is that Alexa and Lamar BOTH lived long enough to meet their grandchild. We are all kind of surprised since their lifebars have been blinking for days!
Hopefully they'll get to spend some time with their precious new grandson. They do have the long-lived aspiration so I guess we'll see how much time they actually get to spend with him. All in all, the future is looking bright for Sophia and I'm so elated to see Lamar and Alexa handing over the reigns in a less traumatic way than some of the previous generations. Things feel more peaceful and less rushed with these two. They're living out the last of their days in love and preparing their daughter for their eventual passing so that she can better cope with losing them than Alexa was able to in those early months of her marriage.
Please join us back next time to say your final goodbyes to a great generation of sims and hello to a bright new future with the next.
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