Gemini: The Crime Boss (Chapter 2)

Glenna tossed and turned in the small bed she had been offered by Mirabella and her colleagues.  Her mind replayed all she had been told—about how everyone she loved had died as a result of a serious illness. How her life had been spared.  How could it be possible that she had slept for twenty years without aging? 

Glenna had spent the last months rebuilding her strength and learning how to walk again.  Laying in a coma had taken a toll on her body but she was better now.  It was time to go forward with her life.  Should she stay here?  Mirabella, Titus, Fizzy and Kristine, the ones who rescued her; they had said she would be welcome to stay with them. But,  how could she be sure that they had told her the truth about her family? Were they really gone? All of them? 

Glenna shut her eyes as the memories flooded back. It had been her birthday. That was the day when her world had changed. Her sister, Gamorra, had been the first to succumb to her illness.  Truly, it had been an agonizing end—a raging fire that could not be quenched.  There was nothing anyone could have done for her.   Less than an hour later her grandmother faced the same fate.  It was at the last moment that  the inferno that threatened to claim her had been tamed.  She survived but her injuries were extensive.

The horror hadn't stopped there. Glenna flinched as she recalled her father bursting into flames.  His eyes had been wide with terror as he collapsed on the cold, wet, bathroom floor—completely naked and beyond help.

 Her mother was grief-stricken but pulled herself together, insisting that they leave town immediately.  "We have to Glenna, you have to promise me that you'll survive. No matter what. Promise me!"  It was the last words she had heard before her world went black.

 She wiped away the tears that were now flowing down her face and she dressed quickly.  She stole a glance at herself in the mirror.  She was the same girl she had always been, young, vibrant—determined.  Yet, she was different. She had changed.  Her eyes, now a golden yellow that faded to an inky black was a starling reminder that she was not the same girl.    She was not the Glenna Montgomery that lived in a wealthy mansion with hired help and every amenity one could afford.  She was not the same Glenna that had a grandmother and a sister to love her.  She was not the same Glenna that had a loving father and a doting mother. No, she was Glenna Montgomery—the orphan.

Was she though? Was she an orphan?  Glenna didn't feel comfortable taking the word of perfect strangers. If her mother was still out there, she would find her. No matter what. 

Unwilling to place her fate in the hands of strangers, she slipped out the door and into the night.

Nothing could have prepared her for the utter devastation.  The library had been destroyed and it looked like people had taken to camping out on the lawn.  The gym was completely overgrown and graffiti defaced the building.  The sound of a dog barking in the distance made her heart race and she increased her pace.

"Where am I even going?" Glenna questioned herself.  She considered heading to the border and leaving town but all around she could see towers with guns, high powered telescopes and the sounds of dogs barking...guard dogs, no doubt. 

With no supplies and no way to care for herself, Glenna decided that it was absolutely useless to try to fight her way out of this.  The only thing she could do was follow Mirabella's advice and seek help.  Plus, the fear that Mirabella had for Maverick Willow piqued her interest,

She unfolded a map of the city that she had found in the desk that Fizzy and Kristine shared. After studying the map,  Glenna made her way to the west side of town. Being careful to not bring any attention to herself, she stuck to the shadows. She moved quickly and quietly, the way her father and mother had taught her.  Her heart hammered in her chest and she prayed that she wouldn't run into anyone.  She'd been trained to survive but twenty years in a coma had dulled her senses. Even when she had been at the height of her training it was unlikely that she could outrun a dog and she definitely wouldn't have been able to dodge bullets. 

It took all night for Glenna to skirt around the gangs that camped about the town and it was daybreak by the time that she made it to the Willow compound. 

A camera whirled in her direction and female guard with icy blue eyes grunted, "I s'pose you're here to see Ames"  It was a demand, not a question.

"Actually, I'm here to see Maverick. Maverick Willow. I am at the right place?" Glenna glanced back down at her map, hoping she hadn't read the thing wrong.

The guard's eyes narrowed and she started to say something before a very young, very good looking man sauntered over, "Knock it off, Cecily. Go inside. Cool off."

She glared at Glenna before she spun on her heel.  She stomped off towards bunker, turning one last time to give Glenna a final warning to, "watch it," before slamming the door behind her.

"Don't mind Cecily. I'm sure you understand how it is.  I'm Maverick, if you haven't figured that out.  Now, what can I do for you, love?"

Glenna scowled, "Well, for starters, whatever silly game you're playing with Cecily, I'm not interested in being a part of it. Second, as I'm told that you run this town, I am sure you're aware that I'm the patient that was being cared at the home of Mirabella Grimm and her colleagues."

Maverick raised an eyebrow, "So, you recovered and they sent you here."

"Something like that, to be honest, I'm not sure I can trust them and I definitely don't trust you." Glenna chewed on her lip, a nervous habit that her mother so often fussed at her for.  But, seeing as I don't have many choices, I'm here to report for work and to ask if there's any housing that I might be set up with.  My parents raised me to be a fast learner and I will do my part to help this town in any way that I can."

"Well know, here's the deal, Gemini belongs to Anarchist. Put any thought to society out of your mind.  You work, you pay us for protection. You leave us alone and we leave you alone as long as you keep us paid up...every Monday if you're wondering.  Drop your check off in the mailbox and someone will be by to pick it up. You don't trust me? Great. You might have a chance of surviving in this town. Don't trust anyone, girl. You definitely shouldn't trust me."

"Does this mean you have a place for me to live?" Glenna struggled to meet his gaze. 

"Darlin' I own this town. I will find you a place to live. There's always some poor fool that couldn't pay the bills.

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