Gemini: The Culling (Chapter 1)

Glenna Montgomery could feel someone watching her and it was making her uneasy.  Her entire body hurt, even her eyes, which she was struggling to open. After much effort, she forced her eyes to open and then struggled as they adjusted to the light.   She took in her surroundings, bars, restraints and medical supplies. A slow steady stream of  water  ran off a tarp that was rigged across her dwellings. It was cold and the air smelled of smoke and chemicals.

As her eyesight cleared, she became aware of a woman with white hair and flaming red eyes.  A young man was checking her vital signs and making notes on a clipboard. 

"Where am I?" Glenna's voice sounded as weak as her body felt.  She forced herself to a seated position. The effort nearly took her breath.

The young man glanced at the wild-eyed woman as if seeking permission to answer the question. When she nodded he focused his attention on Glenna and answered, "You, my dear, are in the home of Mirabella Grimm and her colleagues, Kristine Lawson and Fizzy.  They are responsible for saving your life...mine too."

The young man stuck his hand out for Glenna to shake, "I'm Titus."  She ignored the gesture and fixed her gaze on his eyes.  They were such a beautiful golden color and split down the iris they faded to an inky black.  It was unnerving and nothing Glenna had ever seen before.

Mirabella sat down on the bed beside Glenna, "Sweetie, I know you must have a lot of questions for us."

"Like why I'm hooked up to an I.V. and behind bars?  Where is my family? Am I a prisoner here?"

"No, you're definitely not a prisoner, dear.  These bars, are for your own protection.  After The Culling, a number of survivors joined together and formed a group called, Anarchist. Survivors like myself have formed agreements with them to insure our own safety. Law enforcement is non-existent so we pay a fee to Anarchist every week and in return, we're allowed to keep our home.  For the most part they'll leave us alone in exchange for cash. The bars are there to keep out the few that decides to rob us anyway."

"And my family?" Her stomach knotted as she waited on a response.

Mirabella's gaze dropped to the floor, "I'm sorry to say it but we were not able to save them.  We had heard reports of  mysterious illness come across the news and within an hour the city was on fire.  Homes were filled with the dead. Fizzy, Kristine and I went to look for survivors.  We found you, unconscious and with a raging fever. Your family had already perished.   We decided to bring you here for treatment.  I am a doctor and Fizzy is a scientist; we felt it was our duty to help.  We weren't sure that we could save you but we knew that we had to try.   We brought you here but we had to quarantine you until we were certain you were no longer contagious. We had to avoid contamination at all costs."

"How long has it been since you brought me here?"  Glenna blinked back tears that threatened to spill over.

Titus cleared his throat before answering, "It's been twenty years."

Glenna's hand flew to her face and she wondered if she would even recognize herself.

"If you're wondering how much you have changed,  you haven't. In the first week, we heard news that hundreds of people had died, not just in our community but in four neighboring communities as well.  In the second week, people were still dying. The results were always the same, sudden illness followed by spontaneous combustion.

 Fizzy made a tough decision to raid a nearby lab for medical supplies and a hazmat suit. She was determined to save you.  With those supplies, she and Mirabella worked tirelessly around the clock to keep your fever down—it was the only thing that kept you from being consumed.  Then, on the third week, a helicopter dropped supplies, experimental medication and vaccines that seems to have halted the progression of illness.  With time it became apparent that it also slowed the aging process.  The medication and vaccine affected you and I similarly...we mutated."  He pointed to his eyes, "We are not sure what caused this mutation but there haven't appeared to be any ill effects.  Still, you never woke up and we couldn't be sure that you would ever recover...until today."

Glenna had so many questions. Fixing her gaze on Titus, she had to ask,  "You mentioned these people saved your life. Were you ill like I was?"

An odd expression flashed across Titus' face before Mirabella quickly answered for him, "Titus' story is one for another day.  For now we need to make plans about your immediate situation.  You've been here for the last twenty years and we all care about you dearly. You're more than welcome to stay here with us.  Anarchist however demands that all able-bodied persons to pay their price and now that you have recovered, you're going to have to make a visit downtown to declare a profession.  Their protection comes at a price and more than likely, they're going to want back pay for the last twenty years that you've been here.  A trip downtown will be no easy task.  The streets are overran with warring factions and you must be careful not to find yourself in the crosshairs. Once you've made your way to Anarchist headquarters, you will need to speak with the crime boss, Maverick Willow about your residency here in Gemini. No matter what you decide, know that we are always here for you."